Staying Healthy Over Christmas

It can sometimes be difficult to maintain your healthy habits over the festive period however in this article, we’re sharing some tips on how you can balance your lifestyle and diet over Christmas!
Take a look through these simple tips below.
Fruit Platters and Diet Balance

You may not think of fruit platters over the festive period however this is something that you can easily add into your daily meals and treats.
Alongside your festive bites, cheese and snack platters – add fruit platters to the selection for you, your family and friends.
Tip – Think of fruits such as berries, strawberries, blackcurrants, red currants, blueberries and why not add dark chocolate to the mix. Sweet and healthy treats to enjoy!
Balance The Booze

From your Christmas Do’s to work parties and evening events – the drinks are constantly flowing over the festive period and it’s easy to get carried away.
It’s time to find the balance with the booze and help your system – opt for lighter options and during some evenings, think of non-alcoholic drinks too!
Alternate between alcoholic and non-alcoholic to give your body a break. Think of Crushed Berries and Lemonade to Mulled Wine – find the balance.
Going out one evening? Make sure you eat a healthy meal and drink plenty of water the day before to help your system.
After you return home from an event or party, make yourself a lovely mug of warm tea and honey.
The following morning, kick-start with warm water, lemon and honey to ‘freshen’ and ‘revitalise’ your system.
Enjoy everything within reason.
If you feel like you have over-indulged one day, take care of yourself the following day.
Listen to your body and alternate – enjoy everything and have fun!
Sprinkles of Style
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