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A Simple Guide To Building A Professional Blog

A Simple Guide To Building A Professional Blog


No matter what you do, everyone starts somewhere. Your favourite entrepreneurs, movie stars and business people were all once at the beginning of their journey.

Your favourite influencers, YouTubers and bloggers were all people you wouldn’t have recognised – think of this and who knows where you could get to, if you put your mind to it….

If you have dreams of becoming a professional blogger, there’s no better time to start than now. It’s not an easy choice and it may take a few years for you to develop a name for yourself but you’ll get to where you want to.

You could make it a full-time income – always remember that if you put in time and effort and you enjoy what you do, you’ll get rewarded in the long-run!

If this sounds like something for you, then take a look at this post and I’m sharing some tips in this simple guide to building a professional blog and how it can help you.

Figure Out Your Niche


Do some research and see what you’d like to write about and who your target market will be.

The one thing that I love about blogging is the fact that there’s nothing specific to write about – this is creative freedom and having the ability to write about what you like.

Think about what you’re passionate in – if there’s something that you love, whether it’s a TV series, talking about films / games, sports, fashion or even something completely random – there’s space for you!

There’s space for everyone in the blogging world!

Choose what you want to write about and focus on your niche. Look at other blogs that you enjoy reading / following and think about what attracts you to the website.

You could even start with a specific topic to begin with, before branching out to other topics.

Get All The Essentials In Place – Guide To Blogging

If you’re thinking to blog full-time and make money out of it – you need to get everything in place before going full-time.

Stay organised, plan your posts ahead and do your research on the blogging platforms to see what will suit you.

I’ve written a post about this in the past – just take a look at my blogging tips category on the blog.

Weigh out the pro’s and con’s for different blogging platforms, check out domain names, hosting and browse through blog themes and designs.

It could also be a good idea to pay to have a unique theme design. Although this doesn’t guarantee you success, it will help you to stand out when you get started.

Figure Out Whether You’ll Advertise Or Work With Brands 

It’ll take a while before you can start making money and this is why planning ahead is key to your blogging journey.

Figure out what your goal is in blogging and think about whether you’ll advertise on your blog or simply work with different brands over time.

Again, do you research and see what other websites are doing and look at creating a media kit later down the line. This is great to have if brands would like more information about you and your website – give brands a reason to work with you.

Using sites like can help you to create documents much faster. 

See Also

Come Up With A Regular Blogging Schedule

Blogging schedules vary and so does day-to-day life but overall, it’s good to have a regular blogging schedule.

Whether you post several times a week or once a week – try and stick to a scheule to give your readers something to come back for.

This is when you’ll create demand for your articles – write high quality content and things which will interest your readers.

Write about different topics and see which one works best for you and your readers. See which posts are popular and focus on the topics that work for you and your ‘brand’.


We’ve touched on consistency, but it’s something worth mentioning again.

Try and update your blog when needed and consider updating older posts to make them more current.

Go through popular posts and see what drives your traffic to your website and always bring your readers content quality.

Work hard and don’t let anything come in your way. Don’t listen to any negativity and don’t copy other bloggers.

Look at creating a unique place for your and your readers – be yourself, connect and write about things you’re passionate in.

Layla x

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