Motivation Monday: Making Time For The Little Things (Which Actually Matter)
Motivation Monday
Layla's back with a brand new Motivation Monday post and this time - it's all about making time for the things which actually matter....
Hey everyone - it's Layla! 🙂
I hope you're all well and having a great start to the week, as you can tell, I'm back with a brand new Motivation Monday post and it's a post which I'm really happy to be writing.
I feel like a lot of people out there, despite all the festivities and Christmas cheer, need a little push - perhaps a little pick-me-up to get through the holiday season.
One of the things which we really need to make time for is ourselves! We need to make sure that we put a certain amount of time aside each week to treat ourselves.
Whether it's a 1-hour pamper session, an evening spent at home watching TV or a weekend-getaway, it's important to put yourself first once in a while.
One thing which I hear all-too often from people is that they say "I wish I made more time for my family and friends" and with daily-stresses and work, it's easy to get caught up in your own little world.
Life is to be lived and this means surrounding yourself with the right people - making time for them all-year-round and not just during the holiday season.
That's one of the things which I love about blogging - despite working for so many hours (photoshoots, travelling and thinking of new ideas) I've now learned to manage my time in the best way and I always, always, always make sure that I make time for my family.
My mum, my sister and my brother - they're everything for me!
They are the people that I can count on - they're always there for me, they support me 100% and always push me to do better and become a better person, without them - I wouldn't be able to do what I love!
The things which actually matter in life are the things which can't be bought with money - that means surrounding yourself with the right people and making time for loved ones all-year-round and not just during the holiday season.
So, instead of getting caught up in all the festivities, call your family and friends and invite them for a coffee or go out for a lovely meal in the evening - it's the little things like this which actually matter.
Enjoy every moment!
Layla xx
I so agree. It is the connection to loved ones that matter most, not an email or a thumbs up “like” …..!
You look so pretty by the window!
Happy holidays!!!
xoxo, Elle
Aww thank you so much for your kind comment – this is lovely xx
I love this post Layla! 🙂 It’s amazing to read this kind of words that makes us think about our way of life. Thank you so much dear!
Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed the post 🙂 xxx
Great post. I agree, it’s so important to make time for the things that matter, yet we forget to do so. Have a great week,
Awww thank you so much xxx