Motivation Monday: How To Be Productive Without Motivation

How To Be Productive Without Motivation – Yes! My Monday Motivation posts are back and today it’s all about how to be productive when you have no motivation whatsoever!
It’s happened to all of us and when it comes to writing a beauty, fashion and lifestyle blog – you do have to find different ways to make your mind work.
How To Be Productive Without Motivation – Time Limits
OK, so this might not work for everyone but from my personal point of view – it does!
One thing that I absolutely love about writing a blog is the freedom that comes with it and sometimes, it’s too much freedom – I tend to work better when I’m working towards a deadline or when I have a short timescale to post.
Set yourself a time limit to get things done – you might not feel motivated but the “need” of having to do something in a set time could make you work more and one the end, once things are done, you’ve got more time for yourself!
How To Be Productive Without Motivation – Early Starts
Yes – this actually does work!
I absolutely love waking up early – I feel like I get sooooo much more done!
Think about it, when you wake up early you have much more time for yourself.
Have a shower, have a cup of coffee, go through emails and write-up or re-read your post before publishing. Then do your hair, makeup etc and trust me, you’ll feel so much calmer – you’ll get things done, be more productive and that’s without motivation!
How To Be Productive Without Motivation – Split up ‘Big’ tasks
Another little tip that I’ve learnt from previous jobs……if you have a big task to get through and feel like you ‘just can’t go through with it‘ then break it into steps and mini-tasks.
This will allow you to work harder but in less time and the best thing about it, you’ll feel like you’re getting much more done meaning you’ll be positive and happy.
Split tasks and say you’ll get each task done within 15 minutes, once the 15 minutes is up – treat yourself to a piece of chocolate, a biscuit or a coffee! You’ll have something to look forward to after 15 minutes AND you’re giving yourself a break! 🙂
So there we have a few tips on how to be productive without motivation – it’s all about reducing the stress in your life, we all have enough as it is so try to remain positive and face things head-on….you don’t need motivation to be more productive – you just need to think outside the box! 🙂
Cool motivation ideas! I love the idea of mini tasks. I do get up a little early even just to wake up and have coffee, then I’m motivated! Thanks for your sweet comment, glad you liked my post!
Thank you so much – glad you like this and enjoyed the tips! 🙂 xx
Great tips,
Thank you very much xxx
Splitting tasks is definitely a good idea, Layla. Thanks for the motivation.
Have a blessed week! 🙂
thank you very much 🙂 x
I’ve found that setting myself a time limit helps with getting more posts written up too, you have some great tips here! 🙂
Velvet Blush
Yay – glad this helps! 🙂 x
Creating time limits is a really great tip Layla, or else distractions can be found everywhere haha! I’m going to take your advice and start getting up earlier now too – I’m all for finding new ways to be extra productive 🙂
Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice
Awww thank you hun, yes it’s all about finding what works best for you but it’s nice to share and see tips along the way! 🙂 xxx
All these are great tips. Getting things done when you’re not feeling motivated can be hard. I work from home and that makes getting up early difficult sometimes, but I feel so much better when I do! x
Kate Louise Blogs
Ah thank you hun! Exactly, so many more people are now working from home so it’s good to make sure you have some time to yourself too 🙂 xx
These are great tips, Layla! I usually do a half an hour yoga to get my mind relax and going but frankly, these days I’m just lazy to do anything. I have been preparing my blog posts a day before it will be published, trying to write a week or two ahead has been impossible.
Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
Oh bless you, yoga is a great way – you’re right and I love how relaxing it is! There’s no harm in taking a few days off, relaxing and then getting back into things 🙂 xxx
happy week dear
thank you x
Good post, have a good week
Thank you x
Great and interesting post!
Thank you very much xx
Loved this post! Really inspirational, I haven’t done anything today yet 😀 haha.
<3: Jasmin N | Little Things With Jassy
Thank you very much haha 🙂 xxx
These are some really great tips! Will keep these in mind
Beauty Candy Loves
Thank you very much – glad you like these tips! 🙂 xxx