Urban Decay Pro Brushes Review

Urban Decay Pro Brushes Review
Hey everyone! So, being a beauty blogger means that you get to work with some amazing brands and this is a post which I’m really excited to be writing.
When a huge parcel arrived at my doorstep, I didn’t know what to expect – it was a huge parcel!
Like a child on Christmas day, I opened the box to see these beautiful Urban Decay Pro Brushes in a glass container – enter the heart-eyed emoji.
Before continuing the post, a massive thank you to the Urban Decay team – I love you guys! 🙂
Urban Decay Pro Brushes Review – Packaging
I’m not entirely sure how things will come packaged to you but like I mentioned above, this got delivered in a huge parcel. Inside it was filled with protective paper and foam pieces.
In the photos below, you’ll be able to see the makeup compartment holder, it’s made out of glass and the back of mine is slightly chipped along with one of the individual compartments – they all come out so you can clean and replace them too.
The Urban Decay Pro Makeup Brushes all come individually wrapped – a nice touch and what’s more, if you find that you don’t need or want one of them (why?) you can always give them to your friends as gifts…… but seriously, why?? Keep them and treat yourself haha! 🙂
Urban Decay Pro Brushes Review – What are the Urban Decay Pro Makeup Brushes made from?
Ah, so this is a question that I know a lot of you will be asking, I’m super-excited to say that these brushes are completely unique and unlike anything I’ve heard before!!!
Every brush is packed with super-soft synthetic hair, made from – recycled bottles……..and what’s covering the makeup brush handles is recycled, brushed aluminium!
They’re cruelty-free (LOVE) – kind to your skin (LOVE) – and kind to the environment too (LOVE) hahaha, there’s so much love in the post for these Urban Decay Pro Brushes but they’re really that great!
Did you know? – Animal hairs can harbour bacteria due to it’s texture so these synthetic hair brushes are a lot more hygienic and can be cleaned easily.
Urban Decay Pro Brushes Review – Application
I personally love how these pro makeup brushes apply and blend products onto the skin – they’re so lightweight and don’t drag on the skin so can be used by people with ultra-sensitive skin too.
I’ve been using all the brushes especially the domed concealer brush (F112) , contour definition brush (F109) for my skin and the iconic eyeshadow brush (E205) and large blending brush (E202). Of course I’ve also used the large powder brush (F102) too.
Each brush has delivered so far – they’re all really lovely to use, the blend your products onto your skin for flawless application and glowing skin – large tapered foundation brush (F101) is weird to use at first but when you see the results of how smooth and flawless your skin looks, you’ll love it!
Urban Decay Pro Brushes Review – Collection
So, we’ve discussed the packaging, how these come delivered, what they’re made of and how they make your skin look and feel but what about the whole Urban Decay Pro Brushes Collection?
Below I’ve listed each item along with it’s number and price – all you need to do is click the link to view on the official Urban Decay website.
(F101) – £23
(F102) – £22
(F103) – £22
(F109) – £22
(F110) – £18
(F112) – £18
(E206) – £16.50
(E205) – £16.50
(E201) – £18
(E208) – £15
(E211) – £15
(E209) – £16.50
(E207) – £16.50
(E203) – £18
(E210) – £16.50
(L301) – £18
Urban Decay Pro Brushes Review – Overall
As you can see from the beginning, this is one post which I’ve been really, really excited to write about.
Not only is Urban Decay a brand that stands out from the crowd, it never fails to provide us with the best – I mean, look at the brushes! They’re one of kind, they’re recycled, they’re kind to the environment, they’re cruelty free and they’re kind to your skin – what’s not to love!?
Get out there and buy at least one brush – it’s a piece that you’re going to absolutely love, you’re going to use it all the time and what’s more? You’re supporting a brand and it’s products that are kind!
Before you go and look at the photos, I’m going to be using these in a new makeup tutorial which I’ll be filming using another NEW launch from Urban Decay – it’s an eyeshadow palette and I’m sure you don’t want to miss it so make sure you subscribe to my channel here.
You know that I always love reading your comments so let me know what you think of this range of makeup brushes?
Are you an Urban Decay fan? Will you be adding these to your growing makeup collection?
Let me know! 🙂
I would love to try their brushes. Urban Decay is such a great brand. I’m sure you were so excited opening that parcel.
Jennifer | Mrs Q Beauty
Instagram | Follow Me
Ah thank you! I really was haha! x
They seem to be really cool, I like that they are recycled bottles, that is just so cool!
xoRosie // Rosie’s Life
Thank you x
Wow these look amazing!!! You’re sooooo lucky! Totally need these 🙂
Becca | theBeautyInbox
Ah thank you – it’s amazing! 🙂 xx
Ooh, I didn’t even realise Urban Decay did makeup brushes! I love the stand you have too, perfect for the brushes. I like the look of the both the foundation brush and the crease brush – been meaning to get new ones of these!
Kayleigh x
Hahaha – I’ll be filming a makeup video this week using these 😀 xxx
Now I’m in love! 🙂 Awesome review, I want all of them!
Thank you so much xx
Oh my gosh these look incredible! xx
Thank you very much xxx
I’m a huge fan of Urban Decay and these brushes look and sound so good! I’m all over the eyeshadow brushes. 🙂
Olivia x | Liviatiana
Ah thank you – glad you like the look of these! 🙂 xxx
Wow these look so incredibly beautiful! It’s fantastic that they’re made from recycled items. Urban decay really seems to be about true quality when it comes to their products. Have fun using them haha 🙂
Tell me about it!!! I will be filming a video this week 🙂 xxx