Make Your Mornings Count

Make Your Mornings Count
Hey everyone – rise and shine!
I’m awake bright and early today and instead of staying all snuggly in my bed, I thought it would be a good time to write a post about how to make your mornings count!
When I was younger I didn’t really understand it when people would say that early mornings are a lot more productive and allow you to get more work done.
I used to be one of them people that slept till whatever time I fancied however as I’m getting older – I’m realising that if you make your mornings count, you’ll get a lot more done and feel better for it during the day too!
So, here are some of my tips on how to make your mornings count and of course, make your day better! 🙂
Make Your Mornings Count – Relax
Like I’ve mentioned above, I could never understand it when people would tell that you get more work done in the morning.
I’d just think – ‘more work? sleep is better!‘ but in reality – that’s not the case!
Working for yourself, especially when you’re blogging means that you’ll be inundated with emails, messages, comments and questions from social media and the more you leave it, the more it piles up and the more you need to do!
I’ve found that early mornings allow me to have that time to catch up on my emails, reply to comments, answer questions and also allows me more time to write posts and schedule them in for whenever required.
Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE spending that extra half hour snuggled up in my warm, cosy bed however I do find that by getting up earlier I get more things done and I feel a lot more relaxed and ready to face the day!
Think about it – when you wake up earlier you have more time for yourself, there’s no rush to get things done which means you’re feeling a lot more relaxed.
Have a coffee, catch up with some blog posts and have the TV on in the background, then when you’re ready – do your hair and makeup for the day ahead……no rush, no stress – just chill! 🙂
I’m all about spreading the joy and positivity but in this post I really, really want people to understand that you CAN make your day better – it’s all about timing and making sure there’s very little or no pressure on yourself!
Like I always say, life is too short to not be happy….there’s enough stress and pressure out there in the world and you don’t need that in the mornings so please make your mornings count and get yourself ready for the new day!
Smile and have fun! 🙂
I’ve always said that I feel like you either need to get up early or stay up late, it’s like those few extra hours are just a necessity for staying on top of things!
Exactly!! 🙂 xxx
The best part about getting up early is the quiet house and the extra cup of coffee 🙂 Your picture looks like the perfect morning to me!
Yep – this is lovely, you just have more time to relax and enjoy yourself in the morning 🙂 xxx
I have to say I have never been one to sleep in late, it makes me anxious for some reason, no idea why lol I like to be in work early and finish early, mainly to organise my blog life and at weekends i’m always up fairly early in the mornings although I have to say the past few Sunday’s I’ve been turning my alarm off and treating myself to a little lie in!
Ah bless you – Glad you like this and it’s always good to treat yourself so well done for the Sunday’s it’s lovely to relax 🙂 xxx
I also believe I’ll do more when I have an early morning (and I do love when I can have a bit more time in bed), if you do a lot in the morning, you have less to worry about later.
Ah glad you like this – it does help! 🙂 xxx
Thanks for a lovelt post hun
Beauty Candy Loves
Thank you for your lovely comment 🙂 xxx
I usually get up super early on blog mornings to get a jump on returning comments + promo, etc. 🙂 It definitely helps me feel more productive, too!
Glad to hear you like this and follow this too – it does make a difference 🙂 xxx