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How To Make Shelving Units Pretty

How To Make Shelving Units Pretty



How To Make Shelving Units Pretty – Hey everyone, so I know that this hasn’t got anything to do with fashion or beauty BUT I do have a lifestyle / home decor section on the blog so I thought this would be something that you’re all interested in – especially when it comes to storage!

As a lot of you know, I’m a fan of – not only for their lovely candles and decorative vases but they have such a variety, I easily spend a couple of hours just browsing through all the items!

Being a beauty and fashion blogger means that I’m lucky enough to receive a lot of items to test, review and feature on the blog however things do take up space and after spotting this picture online, I thought of a great way to make my IKEA shelving units a lot prettier!

How To Make Your Shelving Units Pretty – Where To Buy

The main place that I’d recommend checking out is IKEA, things are affordable, good quality and you can really get creative with things too!

I have these and I love them (they’re at an even better price now) – I’ve got a couple of pretty boxes lined along the bottom half and the other half I use for stacking boxes / bulky products!

The next shelving unit I’ll be buying will be this – again from IKEA as I need more storage!

How To Make Your Shelving Unit Pretty – Cover The Back

OK, so as you all know, these are see-through….there’s no backing on them making them handy – especially if used as an office-divider!

However if you’ve got these shelving units just lined up against a wall then you can really have fun by lining the back with a thin piece of wood which has been decorated with a piece of colourful material, a quirky design or even painted with a colour of your choice – if you’re using these just for decorative furniture you could try a thicker piece of paper for a touch of colour!

This will really lift any room – it’ll add a touch of vibrancy and you’ve created something unique for your room without much hassle!

See Also

It’s simple things that count and I’ve seen so many great tutorials about how to re-design and change IKEA furniture….in the end, it’s all about having fun and enjoying the process! 🙂

I’d love to know what you all think – is this something that you could possibly try?? What do you use for storing your products?

Let me know! 🙂


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