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Does Protein Belong To Your Beauty and Diet Regime?

Does Protein Belong To Your Beauty and Diet Regime?



Does Protein Belong To Your Beauty and Diet Regime?

Hello everyone! I hope you’re all well!

In this post, I thought it would be quite nice to write about something further than skincare products.

Whilst it definitely helps to use the correct skin care products, a lot of the times it’s also a factor of “you are what you eat” and below – I’m covering the topic of Protein and how it can be incorporated into your beauty and diet regime.

Does Protein Belong To Your Beauty and Diet Regime – Why Protein?

Without delving deeply into the science side of things – Proteins are actually essentials for the human body!

One of the building blocks of your body tissue and also providing your organs and muscles with the energy they need.

Not only that – proteins can also help to benefit your skin, hair and nails too!

Does Protein Belong To Your Beauty and Diet Regime – Where Can I Find Protein?

There’s so many ways to incorporate protein into your daily diet and beauty regime and one of the easiest (and my favourite) ways is through a wealth of many different food types such as eggs, milk, yoghurt, fish and seafood – making it easy to get a decent amount into your diet.

With all the health stores out there, it really is easy to incorporate protein into your daily diet and beauty regime!

As well as getting proteins through your food – many people opt for protein supplements which are on the rise amongst people who exercise and train regularly.

Considered as one of the macronutrients and widely considered as an “essential” part of building and maintaining a strong, fit and healthy body  – according to research being carried out by Voucherbox, protein whey supplements combined with regular exercise can leave you feeling energised, healthy and looking better than ever!

ExtraI always feel it’s necessary to mention, when taking any type of supplement – have a chat to someone in the health store or with your doctors first if you take medication etc… 

Does Protein Belong To Your Beauty and Diet Regime – How to get protein into your everyday diet?

Once of the easiest ways for getting protein into your everyday diet is – food!

See Also

Think of it this way – an egg contains around 6g of protein so why not create a vegetable omelette or poached eggs on toast with vegetables on the side as a great way to start your day!

If that’s not something you like – opt for a delicious banana smoothie instead! Healthy, easy to make and great to have, especially if you’re on-the-go!

So – “You really are what you eat” and by incorporating different things into your diet along with the essential skincare products – you’ll look and feel better than ever!

It’s the little things that count and if we make the effort, our bodies will thank us for it in the long run!

You know that I always love hearing from you so let me know if you’re currently taking any supplements or eat different foods to benefit your body, skin, hair and nails and how you feel now! 🙂


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