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Dietox: Reset Your Body

Dietox: Reset Your Body



Dietox: Reset Your Body

Hello Everyone!

So, it’s the start of a new week and the fact that we’re in a New Year means that we need to focus on ourselves! It’s time to get motivated and change our lives for the better.

More often than not, it all starts with your diet and by going on a detox this actually helps your system to cleanse and with Dietox – you can rest your body.

Dietox: Reset Your Body – About Dietox

OK, so you’ve read the above and you’re ready to “reset your body” but what is Dietox?

A play with the words ‘diet’ and ‘detox’ – Dietox describe themselves as “magicians with magic wands” helping YOU to reset your body so you can become the best version of yourself!

Helping you to kick-start your healthy lifestyle.

Do you often feel bloated? Is there an event coming up that you would like to shine at?

Dietox are there for you – offering you a variety of detox juices, detox plans and infusions all depending on the results you want to achieve and what you want to target.

The infusions which are available online (linked below) are specially developed  for a number of things ranging from your digestive system, energy and relaxation.

Dietox: Reset Your Body – Development of Juices

Back onto the juices (what I’ve actually tested from the brand) – Dietox juices have all been developed and formulated using a blend of fruits, vegetables, super food and vegetable protein that help you to cleanse and reset your body for a better you.

Every ingredient that is used in the juices is studied by the company itself to ensure it will give you maximum results and leaving you feel better than ever. Not only that but it’s the latest extraction technology which is used to develop the products too…

To ensure that the juices will all remain as fresh as possible, once they have been pressed, mixed and packed – they are then placed under high pressure using the latest HPP (High Pressure Process) technology to avoid the growth of bacteria and to make sure that all the nutritional properties and natural flavour remains!

What’s even better? All of Dietox juices are organic, fresh and 100% natural.

For the delivery process, the juices are sent in an isothermal box with dry ice on the inside, this acts like a fridge during transportation to ensure they arrive as fresh as possible to your front door.

Dietox: Reset Your Body – Packaging

When these juices arrived to me, I knew that it was them right away from the outer packaging – the box had “Dietox” all around.

Inside, as mentioned above, the juices all come packaged in an Isothermal box which contained ice packets too, helping to keep the juices nice and cool in the delivery process.

Remember to place them in the fridge as soon as they arrive. .

Dietox: Reset Your Body – Detox Juices

The juices that I was kindly sent from Dietox are to “Cleanse Your Body” and it’s the new Winter Edition which is perfect for this time of year!

Don’t think that “it’s too hard” to follow a detox juice plan – after Christmas, we all seem to over-indulge and this is something which will kick-start your healthy lifestyle and cleanse your system easily.

I didn’t cut out all my food – I just ate healthy during the week by having salads and fruit bowls.

Organic Detox Juice Therapy

If you choose the same detox plan as me, you get 6 organic detox juices.

It’s important to go by all the rules to ensure maximum results are achieved as the juices have all been carefully formulated to give you all the essential nutrients and energetic requirements for each time of day.

I will say here that if you DO need to eat – have a piece of fruit as a snack and healthy salad with crackers in the evening….don’t starve yourself.

If you’re used to having detox juices then by all means, do what you normally do! 🙂

Dietox – Benefits

Feel Lighter

Helps Eliminate Excess Fluids


Sleep Better

Feel Rested & Rejuvenated

Dietox: Reset Your Body – Taste

You know me, I can’t lie!

See Also

These didn’t taste brilliant for me, they tasted – OK, nothing special.

I can’t sit here and describe these as yummy smoothies or say that I looked forward to having them HOWEVER the feeling after my detox made everything worthwhile!

Dietox: Reset Your Body – Results

After a couple of days, you can feel that your body starts to work differently – you’re more awake, feeling energetic and starting to feel lighter too.

Once the detox had been completed, I felt lively, energetic, happy, lighter and a lot more motivated to maintain the results and follow a healthier diet.

I had been planning to start a new lifestyle in 2017 but I’m going to write about this in another post… 🙂

Dietox: Reset Your Body – Where To Purchase?

All you need to do is visit the Dietox Website – here you’ll be able to find out all the information about different products and plans.

If you need any help, you can also contact the team who will be more than happy to help you!

If you want to purchase the same Dietox Plan as me just click Dietox Juices 🙂

Dietox: Reset Your Body – Social Media

I’ll be sharing this over on my social media but in the meantime – below you can follow Dietox and if you have any questions they’ll be able to help you no problem.

Dietox Facebook 

Dietox Twitter

Dietox Instagram 

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Are you going to kick-start your healthy lifestyle?

Let me know what you’re planning to do for 2017…. I always love reading your comments!! 🙂


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