Boohoo Style For Stroke Campaign

Boohoo Style For Stroke Campaign – So, this is quite an exciting post that I’m writing up, some of you may have seen on my Instagram a little parcel that was sent to me from Boohoo and few days ago…..for 2015 Boohoo has teamed up with Style For Stroke to help raise awareness for the campaign.
Myself and another 50 bloggers have been selected by Boohoo to design our own t-shirts featuring quotes for Style For Stroke.
I sat down and thought about a few quotes that could relate to Style for Stroke and came up with ‘Too Determined NOT to be defeated‘ and underneath ‘Life is a Gift‘ – I think everyone can reflect to both quotes as you should always be determined, no matter what you’re going through – with positive thinking you CAN achieve amazing things and get through difficult times.
Life should always be considered as a wonderful gift, we can achieve anything we set our minds to and there’s so much out there to see!
What I would like from YOU lovely readers is your support – I would love if you could click to vote for my t-shirt in the contest, you’ll also have the chance to WIN a £75 voucher and one of the winning t-shirts! 🙂
Click to vote for my t-shirt….Please!
Below I’ve also written a little bit about Strokes, it’s such a shame to know that things like this happen but you CAN help! 🙂
Style for Stroke Campaign
What’s A Stroke?
A stroke is a brain attack that happens when the blood supply to the brain is cut off, caused by a clot or bleeding in the brain.
152,000 strokes occur on the UK every year and is sadly one of the leading causes of severe adult disability.
Boohoo Partnership with Style for Stroke
A minimum of 25% of proceeds from EACH tee purchased will go to stroke association.
Thank you so much for your support guys, please vote for my t-shirt and share this post so more people can become aware about strokes, it’s something that’s not talked about too much and at least with campaigns like this we can all join together and help! 🙂
Click to vote for my tee!
Nice tee!
Obsessed Fashion Blog
Thanks! 🙂
Aaah it’s so exciting that you are working with Boohoo and your t-shirt looks lovely!
X Marjolein
Thank you very much!!! 🙂 xxx
looks good 😀
have a nice day sweetie <3
Thank you very much! 🙂 xxx
What a brilliant campaign! Love the quotes you chose too, I agree life IS a gift x
Josie’s Journal
Awww thank you so much Josie!!! Life IS a gift! 🙂 xxxx
As a quote monger, I’m loving this concept 🙂 Good luck! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s
Awww thank you Audrey!!! 🙂 xxxx
Your message is very powerful! Good luck with the contest Layla! You have my vote! 🙂
Awww thank you so much!!! 🙂 xxx
such a great cause!
Inspirations Have I None
Thank you very much! 🙂 xxx
Voted!! I wish you all the best and hope you win. 🙂
Awww thank you very much! That’s very sweet of you! 🙂 xxx
Voted for you 🙂
Awww thank YOU!!! 🙂 xxxx
Voted! Love the shirt <3
Thank you SO much Kylie! 🙂 xxx
I love the shirt <3
Thank you! 🙂 xxx
very inspiring design! 🙂
Thank you! 🙂 xxx
Great shirt!
Thank you! 🙂 xxx
So cool!
Love it dear,
Thank you! 🙂 xxx
This is such a great cause, wish you best of luck! Just voted for you and shared on FB. Also followed your Instagram, hope you check mine out and follow,if you like. Have a lovely weekend!
Thank you so much Tania!!! I really do appreciate it – hope I’ve followed you back!? 🙂 xxxxx
This is such a wonderful way of bringing awareness to the cause! I love your design and I tried to vote for it, however don’t have Facebook and so can’t – sorry Layla but good luck all the same 🙂 have a wonderful weekend.
Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice
Thank you very much!!! It’s ok don’t worry!! Thank you for your wonderful wishes!! xxxx
Such an important cause xx
Erin | Erin and Katherine Talk Beauty
It really is! 🙂 xxx
I LOVE this Boohoo campaign – such a wonderful idea. I saw ‘Little Miss Katy’ had done one as well and I thought it was great 🙂 Sophie x
Thank you very much!!! It’s a great campaign! 🙂 xxx
Thank you! 🙂 xxx
Oh, dear Layla, you are such a true beauty and I love you with this shirt! I think you are really summer ready with it 🙂 Hopefully everything is fine in your life and you are happy and healthy <3
xx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena
Awww thank you so much Rena!!! I am well thank you very much 🙂 xxx
I love your quote, also the idea behind it is great (:
Nati xx
thank you very much! 🙂 xxx
great campaign, congrats
Thank you very much! 🙂 xxx
Thank you very much! 🙂 xx
That is such an amazing cause! So awesome to see a company and bloggers working together to raise awareness for it! Love this idea and love your quote!
Denise | Fashion Love Letters
Thank you very much!!! It’s lovely to raise awareness for brands and campaigns like this 🙂 xxx
Yay, what a fun and great campaign, Layla! I went and voted for you!! ^_^
Jenny // Mish Mosh Makeup
Thanks Jenny!! 🙂 xxx
I did vote !
Thank you! 🙂 xxx
Such lovely photos
Thank you very much x
Awesome idea! I voted! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you very much! 🙂 xxx
This is such a great campaign with a really important message behind it! I saw your Instagram and was excited to see what you would come up with, and you definitely haven’t disappointed! Both quotes are so true and, like you say, really relatable 🙂
Awww Karen, thank you so, so much for your kind words! That’s really sweet of you to say! 🙂 xxx
This is such a great and important post and message!
xx Elle
New outfit post on: – Swedish Fashion blogger and Model in TOKYO
Thank you very much! 🙂 xxx
Love this campaign! I actually work with a lot of stroke patients so it really touches home! Love your shirt too!
<3 Shannon
Upbeat Soles
Awww thank you for your lovely comment – it’s so nice to see people understanding this cause! xxxx
Hi Layla
so beautiful look
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary – Fashion blog
Thank you! 🙂 xxx
I absolutely love the shirt you designed I will definitely go vote for you and fantastic cause too, good work to Boohoo and the bloggers they selected (including you!) xxxx
Awww thank you SO, SO much hun! 🙂 xxxx
Too determined not to be defeated! That is powerful. Love that message.
Thank you very much!! 🙂 xxx
What a great campaign to raise awareness to. I like your quote. :]
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Thank you very much 🙂 xxx