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It’s December! Oh how time flies when you’re having fun – it’s the month of laughter, love, happiness and in my case – Christmas Drinks & Christmas Sweets!

With it being the weekend, I thought that instead of writing a beauty review I would write a little motivation post to make sure you’re all feeling positive and happy!

Appreciation – Appreciate Everything

As weird as it might sound, I appreciate every little thing in my life – my incredible family who always support me in anything I choose to do, I appreciate my health (what’s life, without health) and I appreciate everything I’m lucky enough to own – right down to this super-soft dressing gown I’m wearing. 🙂

I always make a point to show my appreciation – there’s people out there who don’t have things we have and don’t have the luxury to enjoy what we enjoy on a daily basis and I am always thankful and grateful for the things which come my way.

Don’t get me wrong – I work hard to be able to do what I love and a lot of people don’t see just how much work goes into blogging! I can easily spend my nights writing till about 3 in the morning, waking up at 8 and handling emails before going about my day but – it’s worth it, I chose this and I appreciate my work too.

I see a lot of people who ask for the latest gadgets, the latest clothes and latest products but what we all need to realise is – things like this don’t really matter – it’s the simple things in life which count!

Once you stop wishing for the latest items to be yours and take a step back to appreciate what you already do have, things will then come your way.

Appreciation – Do You Feel It?

We can all appreciate things in our life from items we own to people we meet but do you feel it in return?

I meet a lot of people and I appreciate the chance that I get to meet them – we all learn from one another and this is how we develop as people. We learn people skills and we start to ‘read’ people and observe different actions.

We are all unique and beautiful in our own ways and once a person doesn’t show you that appreciation that you deserve – it’s time to turn around and leave them behind. You don’t need the negativity to hold you back or bring you down.

You keep moving forward, doing what you do – if they realise their mistake, they’ll catch up with you at some point and show you they appreciate you…. one way or another!

Appreciation – Appreciate The Little Things In Life 

OK – I could write a motivational book once I get started so I’ll stop this after this section. 😀

Overall, what we all need to do is appreciate the little things in life – these are the things which matter and which will carry you through your life, progressing as a person.

Appreciate your family – they know best!

Your family are the only people you can really rely on as they want the best for you and even though you might not see it in the moment, you will eventually!

See Also

Your family can tell you things you might not want to hear but – it’s the truth and this is what matters the most, especially in the world we live in!

Life is far too short so make sure you appreciate your family and show them it too – a gift, a hug, a smile or even a ‘thank you’ can go a very, very long way.

Don’t sit there and think about the latest gadgets – make the most of your time, spend it with the people that matter to you the most and always follow your dreams!

Don’t let anyone hold you back or bring you down….

Appreciate the little things in life and bigger things will come your way!

Now – get out there, enjoy your weekend and have fun!! 🙂


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