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Why I Don’t Compare Myself To Others

Why I Don’t Compare Myself To Others


Life Isn't A Competition - Why I Don't Compare Myself To Others

Written By: Layla

It's time to take a step back and focus on yourself.

"I Don't See Anyone As My Competition"

I really don't.

And I never have done! Even in school, I would constantly see people competing to be "the most popular" or "the prettiest" and I'd always wonder why.

I don't see anyone as my competition - I admire other people and I admire what they achieve but I never ever  compare.

We're all unique - we all have different goals, different plans and different ambitions.


"We Have Different Dreams - We're Not The Same"


We have different dreams - we're not the same and this is why you need to stop focusing on what someone else is doing and focus on yourself, your dreams and your goals.

If you want to compete against something, compete against yourself and try to become a better person than you were yesterday. 🙂

  In the past few years, the rise of social media and online platforms has taken over with more and more people comparing themselves to what they see. I've spoken to a lot of people about the ongoing comparison and competition - whether it's real life or online and the one thing I've noticed when people realise that there's no need to compare is how much happier they are afterwards.

Think about it - if you spend all your energy and time focusing on yourself, your dreams and your goals (whilst admiring other people) then only good will come from it.

As soon as you take that step back and focus on yourself, your goals and ambitions - you'll feel a lot more positive, a lot more productive and overall - happier. 🙂

See Also


You all know how much I love reading all your comments and I'd love to know what you all think of this post.

Do you agree that more people are comparing themselves whether it's online or real-life?

I hope you're all well and having a lovely day - don't forget you can also get in touch with me through the following social media profiles which I've listed below!

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Let me know what you all think! 🙂

x x

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