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Ways Of Incorporating The 2019 “Colour of the year” In Your Home

Ways Of Incorporating The 2019 “Colour of the year” In Your Home


This is THE "Colour of The Year" - And You Can Incorporate It In Your Home!

Written By: Sprinkles of Style Team

Each new year means new exposure and appreciation for a different colour. For 2019, Pantone announced that ‘living coral’ would be the chosen one, and many people have since set about incorporating some trace of the shade into their homes.

After all, it gives homeowners a chance to try something new, as well as follow a trend to excitingly see what’s it all about!

Therefore, here are a few ways you can go about incorporating living coral into your home!

Kitchen Equipment

When most people think of changing their homely colour schemes, their minds immediately turn to plastering the entire walls of rooms with their selections.

Of course, this is a valid option, but it’s hardly subtle, is it? Not every change needs to be so bold and obvious; often, a change in colour can add nuance to a setting and give it that quality that’s hard for others to put a finger on.

For example, you could make changes to some of the kitchen equipment; kettles, mixers, plates, and toasters are good suggestions here. These four items can all come packaged in completely different hues and are known for featuring lighter colours, so if you get all three in a matching living coral, this might be that subtle boost in colour that you crave.

It’s a subtle thematic through line, instead of upending your entire home and completely redefining it.

Furniture Changes

Sticking with the theme of subtly, there are other homely items that are well suited to being spruced up with some living coral too.

Instead of applying the colour scheme across every wall you can find, you could alternatively paint many of the things that’s resting near to or against the walls; cupboards, cabinets, wardrobes, shelves or even sideboards from Cotswold can do the trick.

Once again, this might just help give your home a more well-rounded appearance, a subtle accent instead of a bold, resounding statement.

Place them around other shades such as hues of rose, mint greens or pearl whites, and a calming yet refreshing aesthetic will soon be discovered.

Take a look around and don't be afraid to mix and match - in different situations, you can mix and match different styles to see what will work best for you and your tastes. This is a great time to have fun and be creative!

Blankets and Pillows

There are some items out there that are simply improved by being bought in lighter, mood lifting colours and this is why white and cream remain all the rage.

People love lighter shades as this allows them to get creative when adding new colours to their home.

Blankets and pillows are among the number one accessory to change if you want to easily add different colours to your home.

See Also

These items in living coral would undoubtedly incorporate the colour gracefully into your home and will add that key homely colour schemes it need.

Accessories such as your blankets and pillows - they're the last bit of natural detail, the cherry on the cake, so to speak.

As mentioned above, there’s also the argument that these items would be the cheapest way to introduce the colour into your home - after all, blankets and pillows are always affordable!

Moreover, if they’re arranged the right of way on a sofa or bed, they seriously have a neatly arranged and appealing impact on any room - that luxury touch which is perfect in every home....


There we have the "IT" colour of the year so make sure you keep an eye out for coral trends and decor accessories online and on the high-street. It's a beautiful colour which adds a touch of fun to your home but at the same time, offers a homely feel which we all love.

You know we all love reading your comments so let us know what you think of this year's interior decor trend and if you've already spotted coral items - let us know!

The Sprinkles of Style Team

x x

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