The Truth About Blogging

The Truth About Blogging
OK, so today I’ve made a little change – I’m not writing about fashion, beauty or lifestyle in this post….I’m writing about blogging!
The Truth About Blogging – It’s NOT Easy
It saddens / annoys me when I see people say that blogging is ‘easy’ – if you’re a person who’s committed, determined and passionate about blogging – it’s anything but easy!
I spend hours testing different beauty products, taking 1000’s of photos per week which I then sit down to edit and tweak followed by writing in-depth posts and beauty reviews.
While people sleep peacefully at night, more often than not – I’m awake at 2-3 in the morning writing my posts and replying to emails.
No one told me to become a blogger, it’s something that I love and I wouldn’t change it one bit however I feel like a lot of people don’t see the real side…. the truth about blogging.
The Truth About Blogging – Your Blog Appearance
As sad as it might sound, your blog appearance is key when it comes to blogging!
You have to make sure that you put effort into your blog, make it unique to you, easy to navigate and always, always, always keep it interesting for your readers.
I recommend Pipdig for this – Phil (the genius) is behind my blog design and widgets – we’re currently working on a few new things for the blog so there’l be some nice changes coming hopefully this week! 🙂
The Truth About Blogging – Your Posts
This post was inspired by me visiting another blog – I might sound a little horrible but I’ve started to lose count on how many blogs I’ve visited with terrible posts.
I viewed a blog today to see a ‘review‘ however it was so limited in the detail – it went something like this…. ‘ I bought X today from Y, I really like it’ – seriously? 🙁
I don’t want to offend anyone but if you want to be considered as a ‘top blogger’ or top in your niche then you really have to think about your posts and readers!
Before writing my posts, I always think about what I would like to see on another blog – especially if it’s a review.
I like providing readers with as much detail as possible, how something works, why it works, the formula and how to incorporate things into your skincare routine for example…
PLEASE think about your content – you never know who’s reading! 😉
The Truth About Blogging – Freebies
You do get freebies with blogging and I’ll be the first one to put my hands up and say – it’s a wonderful feeling BUT don’t start a blog just for the freebies….that’s not cool!
There’s SO much more to blogging than receiving free beauty products and clothes – it’s about connecting with your readers, working with a variety of brands, featuring products that you think will make readers benefit from and feel better about themselves…..
I’ve started writing motivation posts too – if a few people feel happier, it makes things so much more worthwhile, blogging is meant to be enjoyed by everyone….not just the reader or the blogger but by both!
Read my motivation posts here !
The Truth About Blogging – It’s REALLY NOT Easy
I know, I’m recapping on what I wrote about above but I do feel like many people assume blogging is basically made up of a bunch of teenagers who sit at their desk, write a paragraph and get paid thousands but that couldn’t be further away from the truth.
You have to put a lot of time into your blog, your posts, your photography, your content, social media – everything!
I’ll say it, I’m not perfect and I’m still learning new things everyday but I now feel like I’m at a place where I can share my tips and advice.
If one person feels better or feels like they’ve ‘learned’ something then it makes me a lot happier too….
I know a lot of people won’t agree with me on certain things but I’m the type of person that will say things as they are and this is the truth about blogging.
It’s not all jet-setting to different countries and living the life of luxury but for me personally – blogging is something special and I love everything about it – the good AND the bad! 🙂
I’d love to know what you all think about blogging – do you think there’s more to what most people see?
How many hours do you spend working on your blog and is it something that you could do full-time?
I’d love to know! 🙂
It is definitely not easy!! I try to blog whilst having a full time job which takes more than the 40 hour week and I sometimes find it hard to keep up and be consistent. It is definitely a lot of work and effort, but I really enjoy sharing what I love with other who might have the same interests 🙂
Exactly, it’s not easy and it’s so lovely to read how many people agree with this! 🙂 xxx a constant battle cause I refuse yo put bad content for my viewers to read! I work really hard on my blog but I’m always drained after a long day at work! But its totally worth every single sacrifice.. This post just spoke to me! I always thought I was alone but after reading the comments I have learnt that so many of us go through this. You are awesome Kayla
Never give up and aways go for what you believe!!! Things might not be easy but it’s worth it in the end 🙂 xxx
I agree it’s not easy! I think I thought it would be when I started.. how wrong I was! I still love blogging though, even though it takes me forever to put my posts together 🙂
Becca | theBeautyInbox
Exactly!!! It’s so different to how you think it’ll be! xxx
This is a very wonderful post and spot on. Blogging for me was at first out of curiosity… Then came because my friends earn from blogging. But when I started to really get the idea behind blogging, it became a hobby, an outlet where I can share my ideas, passion and anything I like and love. The freebies and monetization are just bonus. I still focus sharing about my life and experience and hope that my readers will learn something or give answers to my questions. 🙂
Thank you so much for your lovely comment, I’m glad that you agree – blogging is a great thing to do as it takes your mind away from things and allows you the freedom to express yourself, share your opinion, tips and tricks etc…. x
That’s so true, Layla! Glad you’ve written about it!
I’m a fan of your motivational posts btw, so thanks for that. 😉
xoxo Ira
Thank you so much, I’m really happy that you agree! 🙂 xxx
Perfect Wednesday night pick me up read! Xx
Chloe Love Story Perfume Review
Yaaaaay 🙂 xxx
I agree with a lot of what you wrote, I definitely think that there’s so much behind the scenes work with blogging that a lot of people don’t realise is going on. That’s why it’s so hard to explain blogging to people who haven’t heard of it before!
Thank you so much – it’s nice to know that you agree and it’s not only me that thinks this hahah xxx
You couldn’t have said it better but my favorite part is the “blogging isn’t easy part.”Even I thought it was before I started my own blog
Yes – that’s how it is xxx
People who don’t bog always think it’s so easy and that we are doing it for the freebies. In reality we probably spend 24/7 thinking about our blog, working on it, commenting, promoting, the list goes on & on. I love it or else I wouldn’t put myself through all this work. Just wish other could see how much time and effort goes into everything we do. Looking forward tons being your new blog changes hun x
Beauty with charm
Exactly people assume it’s easy but it’s not – we are all committed to our blog, working round the clock and always making sure we stay within schedules and having it user friendly too! 🙂 xxx
This is such a brilliant post Layla, it really highlights how wrong some people can be about blogging! I love you mentioned how you love both the good and bad elements of blogging, I feel the same way 🙂 I also spend many, many hours a week on my blog – and to answer the question, I sort of just enjoy seeing where blogging takes me month by month! 🙂
Have a wonderful week!
Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice
Ah thank you so much hun! Yes, people just assume it’s easy but they don’t see how much time and effort goes into everything! 🙂 xxx
that’s a real interesting post about blogging, babe, I read it and I agree with you, there’s so much mess in the blogosphere right now…
if your gole is to write great reviews then you’ve made it….I think you’re doing a great job on the blog…
Exactly – that’s what it is!!! You need to know what you want to write and enjoy it 🙂 xx
love this post xx
Thank you! xx
Nice post, have a good day
Thank you very much xx
Hahaha! I love your emphasis on how it’s not easy. SO TRUE! It’s a fun hobby though… which is why bloggers gonna blog! Haha.
All the Cute
Recent Post: Customized Jewelry With Anjolee
That’s true!!! 🙂 xxxx
Super cool, I love it dear!
I invite you to join my international Firmoo giveaway!
Thank you x
I feel you in everyrhing you say, you are so right!! <3
Thank you – glad you like and agree! 🙂 xxx
I just shared this on my twitter because everything you mentioned are true! I don’t have to add anything else… so far 🙂
Thank you so, so much!!! I appreciate that! 🙂 xxx
I don’t think my blog is something that I would do full time. I have other dreams. I started mine because I like to be free to write about what I want, compared to my job where I have to stick to specific guidelines. It can be constricting, so my blog gives me creative control. For me, it’s a hobby that I love doing, and I’m trying my best to be frequent. I love the tips you’ve given, and I definitely agree about writing reviews in detail!
Great post!
Mich x
I love your comment, it’s nice to see people with different opinions and so refreshing to see that you write as it makes you feel free – I love that and everything you do should be done because you enjoy it, not because you have to but because it’s something you want… xxxx
You’re so right about this, Layla. This is true and also a great post for new bloggers. You made some good points. 🙂
Thank you so much x
And it’s a commitment) It’s hard to be a blogger, full time employee and many other things, but this passion is definitely worth it))
Exactly – it’s wonderful but there’s a lot of hard work that not many people know about! xxx
Amen, sister! Blogging is not an easy job- at least not when you’re doing it right. 😉 You have a stellar blog- can’t wait to see what new features you have up your sleeve! 🙂
Ah thank you Ashley – it’s nice to see so many people agreeing with this!! 🙂 xxx
Blogging is definitely not as easy as people might think it to be- thanks for a great post and sharing some of the misconceptions people have about the blogging industry
Candice | Beauty Candy Loves
Exactly – it’s not easy and it does take a lot of time! 🙂 xxx
This post is so great! I too get really frustrated with people that think blogging is easy. I feel that it may be easy if you don’t put your 100% all into it. But if you really want to succeed in the blogging world, then it’s definitely A LOT of work. I spend all day everyday thinking about new ideas for blog posts and videos. Also I always want to be at the top of my game. So that in itself is hard work, but I love it, like you. Really love this post hun, and hopefully people that don’t think blogging is a full time job will begin to realise just how much hard work, and effort you have to put in to succeed.
– – My Autumn Matte Make-up Look
Thank you so much – I’m really glad that you agree!! You do have to spend a lot of time on making your blog better, easy to navigate and fun for your readers without a doubt yes! 🙂 xxx
Loved this post! Blogging is faaarrr from easy – it’s like having another full time job on top of your own job and your other life commitments! Though I do love it : ) xx
Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x
Thank you sooooooo much for your comment hun – so glad that you agree haha! 🙂 xxx
everything true!
Yep! 🙂
It is not easy for sure. For years I have been trying to blog in a consistent way. Good content several times a week to keep readers interested and I have given up so many times. Only recently I have started to seriously start my blog and I have been putting my mind and soul into it every single day. And with a full time job to add to this, it makes everything even more difficult. I wish people noticed how much of an effort it is to keep a good quality, interesting blog
Exactly – it takes a lot of hard work and time to make your blog successful! Never give up – keep going!!!! 🙂 xxxx