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Sofa Memories

Sofa Memories


Sofa Memories

What makes a Sofa Memory?

A sofa is an essential part of the home - it's a key piece in your living room and this is where memories are made.

I've always love comfortable sofa's with snuggly cushions and in this post, I'm sharing some of my sofa memories. ...


What make a Sofa Memory?

We all have a sofa in our home - they're the centre part of the living room and some of the fondest memories happen in the living room.

This is where you spend time with your friends and family, discussions anything and everything - from work, tv shows and shopping!

After a long day at work, this is where you relax - putting your feet up and catching up with saved TV shows and Box-Sets.

It's also where most of us curl up when we're feeling under the weather - watching daytime TV and snuggling up under covers.

So, what makes a sofa memory? Let's take a look at what's stayed with me since childhood....


Sofa Memory

For me, a sofa needs to be comfortable and snuggly as it reminds me of my childhood days.

I remember when I was still in primary school that I would return home from School and sit down on the sofa.

It was a white sofa with big cushions - it was the perfect sofa for us at the time and this is where we would sit and where I would tell my mum about my day at school and what I'd been up to.

After my homework was completed, my activities had been done, I'd eaten my food and had a bath - I would then sit down and watch my favourite cartoons - snuggled up on the sofa!

It's moments like this which can stay with you forever - I remember being so happy when I was at home with my mum.

I always loved sitting on the couch in the evening and watching my cartoons and it's funny how this is still a sofa memory of mine - and always will be!

Sofa Memory

Some things will never change and even today - I still love my sofa!

It's now a cream and brown sofa, complete with plenty of cushions to snuggle up in.

These days, I'm always on the go - I attend different events around the UK and work with many brands so it's nice to know that at the end of a long day, I'll come home and relax in the living room.

After a calming/pampering bath, I'll sit down on the sofa with my snuggly pillows and catch up with my favourite TV shows and then - it's back to work for the blog! 🙂

See Also

I also have a recliner sofa which is nice as when friends come over, they all rush to sit on there! Putting their feet up when we sit for a coffee and biscuits.

I know that these sofa memories will stay with me forever and some things will never change!

I loved snuggly sofas and cushions when I was young and still love them today.

Next time you buy a sofa, don't only think about how good it'll look in your living room - think about the memories you'll keep forever, think about certain aspects which bring back good memories from your childhood.


If you're anything like me, then you'll always be browsing different websites, scrolling through inspiration photos and looking for new furniture so make sure you check out DFS Sofas.

They have some beautiful ranges at the moment and even feature exclusive brands!

You all know that I love reading your comments so let me know what Sofa Memory YOU have! Do you remember things from childhood or is it something that's happened in recent years?

I'd love to know what your sofa memories are!


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