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Motivation Monday: Treat Yourself

Motivation Monday: Treat Yourself



Motivation Monday: Treat Yourself – So here we are, another week ahead of us and another Monday Motivation Post for all you lovely readers! 🙂

Like I’ve said before, there’s so much more to life than fashion and beauty and whilst I love writing my outfit posts and sharing my opinion on different beauty products, I also feel like I want to incorporate much more to this blog.

I’ve been through difficult times in my life, as we all do and if one person feels happier or better about themselves after reading a post on here then it makes everything worthwhile! 🙂

The day-to-day routine of like can take it’s toll, we feel like we’re stuck in a rut and we’re not enjoying the little things in life – I have one great (and easy) way that you can change this feeling to bring more positivity into your life.

Treat Yourself – yes, it’s that simple! Even it’s just a coffee, a bunch of flowers or that sweater you’ve been admiring in-store….go and buy it, treat yourself!

Why do we feel the need to constantly save our money, we should be enjoying things, treating ourselves and loved ones!

You’ll see that by treating yourself, you’ll feel happier and by feeling happier you’ll have a positive outlook on things which in turn will attract more positive into your life!

I’m not saying to go out and buy a brand new car or a £10000 handbag but I am saying that it’s OK to get that jumper you’ve been wanting or those new boots for winter…. 🙂

See Also

Feel free to share this post, it’s all about spreading the joy and positivity so make sure you go out and enjoy yourself – you know you want to!

Have you recently bought something for yourself and felt better? What was it?

I’d love to know! 🙂


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