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Motivation Monday: Make Time For Yourself

Motivation Monday: Make Time For Yourself



Motivation Monday: Make Time For Yourself – Hello everyone, I hope you’re all well, feeling fresh and ready for the new week ahead! 🙂

It’s a little bit weird to think how near Christmas is now and I still haven’t finished my shopping – terrible, I know!

Today, I thought it would be quite nice to write a Motivation Monday post all about making time for yourself.

Motivation Monday: Make Time For Yourself

There’s so much stress and pressure on people these days and I find it extremely sad how most of the worries revolve about money and bills.

It’s times like this when I wish I could go back to a simpler time and enjoy the little things in life – the things that actually matter!

When people stress, they put more pressure on their shoulders which in turn makes things a lot worse – if more people took a step back and allowed for some ‘relaxing time’ it would help the situation a lot more.

By taking a couple of hours out of your schedule (this means switching off your phone, emails and social media) and having a coffee alone, a spa treatment or even spending a night away in a hotel will help you relax, gather your thoughts and allow you to find a way of overcoming these daily / life stresses.

See Also

Life is too short to always feel stressed or under pressure, make sure you make some time for yourself – treat yourself to little, it’ll brighten your mood and make you feel that little bit better!

One day you’ll realise that life is for living, not for stressing – I know it’s easier said than done but think about it… day you’ll look back and wonder if all the stress was worth it and the most likely answer – no.

Go out and enjoy yourself, treat yourself and make time for yourself and your loved ones – these things matter more than anything else.


Picture – Tumblr 
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