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Mia Felce Phone Case

Mia Felce Phone Case



Mia Felce Phone Case – I’m actually really excited to be writing this post as it’s something a little bit different!

I think I’ve mentioned it before but I have a slight addiction with phone cases! I love changing them, probably in the same way that I love changing my outfits haha! 🙂

I recently switched from an iPhone 4S to an iPhone6 Plus and as I’m writing this I realise it’s not ‘recent’ it’s actually a year ago now that I switched! How time flies!?

About Mia Felce

So here’s a little introduction about Mia Felce and the girl behind the brand! 🙂

Mia Felce is a printed textile designer based in the UK and she graduated from the University of Northampton in 2013 with a BA(Hons) in Fashion (Textiles for Fashion).

Her graduate collection was shown at Graduate Fashion Week and was also shortlisted for the Gala Award Show.

Since then she has been working on prints for her own accessories collection which is now Mia Felce! 🙂

Mia Felce Phone Case – How are the designs created?

Mia takes time to work on all her prints – she originally creates them by hand which are then ‘manipulated‘ by a computer, developing them into digital prints which are them applied to phone cases and notebooks!

Mia Felce Phone Case – Delivery / Packaging

As you can see in the picture above, the packaging is very cute, very girly and I really like it!

I love the handwritten postcard that came with the phone case – I’m old-fashioned like that and think a postcards means a lot more! 🙂

The design on the front of the postcard is one of Mia Felce’s original designs too – how cute it that!

Mia Felce Phone Case – Design / Texture

Scrolling through the photos you’ll be able to see the actual phone case, up close – and personal!

The design that Mia kindly sent me is the Glitter Flowers Phone Case which is super-cute and super-girly! I love anything with glitter (as you know)

What I love about the designs is that you know that someone has taken the time to sit down and design something unique, something special and that’s really wonderful!

I don’t like how things have become with every store stocking the same – I like the individuality with these types of accessories and Mia knows how to develop and create beautiful unique items! 🙂

The texture of this Mia Felce phone case is hard, it’s a click-on case which can sometimes be a pain to remove when you want to switch to something else but so far this hasn’t been a problem!

Mia Felce Phone Case – Purchase

This is the best part!

See Also

You can get this exact phone case by clicking

Priced at £15 (incl VAT) – it’s not bad at all when you know that these pieces have been specifically designed by Mia. It’s not something that you’ll see everywhere either which is lovely!

There’s such a variety available from iPhone to Samsung to Blackberry and SO many different colours and designs too – click to view them all! 🙂

While you’re at it – take a look at the Mia Felce website where you can find notebooks and cute little prints too! 🙂

I actually think these would be great as little stocking fillers too – I mean how cute would this be!?

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I would love to know what you all think so please let me know in the comments! 🙂

Have you seen Mia Felce online, purchased anything from the brand? I’d love to know!


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