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Hourglass Ambient Lighting Palette

Hourglass Ambient Lighting Palette

Hourglass Ambient Lighting Palette


A couple of weeks ago we attended the Monty PR Merry Monty event which showcased brands and their Christmas Kits.

We were extremely excited to see Hourglass was there too but to our disappointment didn’t show off too many things, just this Hourglass Ambient Lighting Kit and Foundation – major disappointment.

We have read and heard all the bloggers raving about many Hourglass products but we can’t help and think of the hefty price tag which sits by each product and for many people it’s not something affordable.

The Ambient Lighting Palette is limited edition for the holiday season only and it consists of ‘3 cutting edge finishing powders, two existing (Dim and Radiant) and one limited edition shade (Incadescent).

The box also includes a veil mineral primer 5ml’

It will be available in November from Liberty and Space NK for a whooping £56 – now a lot of you will think it’s fantastic value for money but we also think that there will be a huge amount of people, including us thinking it’s an over-priced kit.

It’s not a foundation, it’s not an eyeshadow kit it’s a highlighting set to bring light to your face and highlight your cheekbones.

For half that price we can pop down to Boots and purchase a wonderful highlighter or go to Benefit and buy their liquid highlighter for half the price.

See Also

The kit did look beautiful in the case but we can’t recommend it to our readers as much as we like due to the price tag.

Please let us know what you think in the comments, let us know if you agree or disagree!

We want to hear from you!

Sprinkles of Style xx

View Comments (8)
  • Thanks! As long as its a good size. Then it’s worth it to me since one is 45 and you get three for just about 10 to 15 dollars more! Thanks again for the info!

  • Thanks for the informative review, i still might consider getting the palette, depending on the size of the actual powders in the palette.Do you know the size comparison from the actual powder?

    • Hi Kimberley thank you for your questions, I will find out and let you know as I don’t have the information even on the press sheet! 🙁
      It was a decent size but I will find out and let you know!

      Layla xx

    • Aww thank you so much for your lovely comment! 🙂 I completely agree, not sure I would spend such an amount on a highlighting palette! xxxx

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