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Getting Ready For Autumn: 7 Tips To Boost Your Home Energy Efficiency

Getting Ready For Autumn: 7 Tips To Boost Your Home Energy Efficiency


As the summer season quickly comes to an end, it may be time to start getting your property ready for the cold season.

One of the most important aspects to focus on is your home energy efficiency.

Investing in sustainable upgrades can help to improve your home comfort whilst potentially lowering your energy bills and boost the market value – in the long term. 


Sifting through all the different options out there and finding the best investment for your home can definitely be challenging and within this guide, we’ll have a look at a few practical tips that can help you – without having to spend a fortune.

Consider Installing Solar Panels

Solar panels can be a fantastic addition to your home, especially if most of the system runs on electricity.

These systems generate power from the sunshine, powering your home whilst easing the burden on your wallet. Fantastic for warmer countries across Europe.

For many, one of the main barriers to installing solar panels is the initial investment and this tends to be significant.

In the UK, as well as many other countries worldwide, there are plenty of grants and incentives that you can benefit from whilst making the investment beneficial for you.

What’s more, once you have your solar panels system in place, you can then take a look to sell the power back to the grid – helping you to create an additional income stream.

Before investing in solar panels, be sure to consult a specialist, such as All Seasons Energy.

Working with an expert in the sector can help you better identify the needs of your home and design a tailored solution. 

Invest In Energy-Efficient Windows And Doors


Upgrading your windows and doors is an easy way to improve insulation and boost the comfort of your living space.

Little additions and changes like this can help to keep warm air indoors during the colder days, helping you to heat your home and reduce the costs overall.

Upgrades like this tend to be much more affordable, they play a big role in improving the curb appeal and market value of your property.

Such a range of options, you don’t have to compromise on the style or interior of your home either.

Install A Smart Thermostat

A smart thermostat can help you control and fine-tune your home and the indoor temperature.

When connected to an app on your smartphone, you can then use the systems to regulate the temperature of different rooms – ensuring the heating system isn’t on unnecessarily.

The simple approach like this can have a profound impact on the comfort within your home. 

Upgrade Your Insulation

Did you know that the media energy efficiency rating for homes in England and Wales is band D?

Given these statistics, it’s worth carrying out a comprehensive audit of your home efficiency.

A thorough assessment may highlight the need for better insulation and energy production which can help you to lower your monthly costs and reduce your property environmental impact.

When it comes to better insulating your property, be sure to work with a specialist to understand what upgrades and essentials may be needed.

An expert contractor will work with you, they will help you to identify leaks and drafts, they will show you the impact and help with the overall efficiency of your property.

See Also

Invest In More Efficient Appliances


If you have been considering upgrading your appliances, you may opt for models that are rated as highly energy efficient.

With all he other essentials and upgrade, these can also help to lower your monthly energy bills.

Just consider a new-generation washing machine as an example – look at the new technology and products on the market to see what will work for you and your living space.

Maintain Your HVAC System

Your home HVAC system plays a vital role in helping you keep your home cool or warm, improve air quality and of course – boost comfort.

These systems require regular maintenance to remain efficient and functional over time so be sure to clean the filters regularly and speak to a specialist company who can help you with regular maintenance check-ups.

Leverage Strategic Landscaping


One of the lesser-known ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency is through strategic landscaping.

Through this approach, it can help you to maximise your home’s natural light but along with this, there are many other benefits. Here are just a few advantages of mindful landscaping:

  • Strategically placed trees and shrubs can provide shade and create wind breaks, which can help keep your home cool and reduce heat absorption.
  • Taller plants and climbing species can add privacy and protection for your home. 
  • Landscaped areas, decks, and verandas can create additional outdoor living areas, which can improve your home’s insulation and market value. 

Consult a Specialist Before Getting Started

Overall, when it comes to working on your home, it’s important to understand that each property will have unique needs and require a customised approach.

Working with a specialist, you can work together to develop a solution based on your home and it’s unique needs.

Sprinkles of Style Team

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