As a lot of you know I LOVE travelling and seeing new places so just before Christmas I went to Brugges, Belgium where they make Belgian Chocolate and as you’ll see in the photos…I had fun! 🙂
This is for all you chocolate lovers out there….
Candy Shop
Belgian Christmas Chocolate
Christmas Chocolate Selection
Christmas Chocolate Santa Boots!
Christmas Penguin
Christmas Door Decoration
Buildings in Brugges – Museum
Ice Skating – Brugges
Coffee Stand with a selection of drinks in Brugges
My favourite photo is the last photo….it was just so peaceful and beautiful that I really wanted to capture that to share it with you!
This is somewhere to visit if you love chocolate and sweeties….the place is filled with little boutique stores, candy shops and mini chocolate factories so you’ll definitely have fun.
One thing I will say is I found that the people were a little on the rude side…I accidentally walked into a woman and said ‘Sorry’ and she looked at me as if I had slapped her across the face!
I then held the door open for a lady with a pushchair and she just walked away…so don’t be surprised if people are a tiny bit on the rude side!
Other than that I really enjoyed it! Coffee stands with a selection of liquors to add to your coffee…sweets, chocolates! It’s great!
The little penguin (pictured above) I took him home with me and he’s sat in my kitchen as I don’t want to eat him yet!!
Hahaha!!! Isn’t it just!! I tried so hard to resist all that chocolate! I ended up buying the penguin, sweets, chocolate bar and little car shaped chocolate for my nephew hahaha!
OMG this is paradise for a chocolate lover like me thank you for sharing your trip
Hahaha!!! Isn’t it just!! I tried so hard to resist all that chocolate! I ended up buying the penguin, sweets, chocolate bar and little car shaped chocolate for my nephew hahaha!
Oops…. 😉 xx
So nice!!!! I love it!!!!
🙂 Thank you very much!! I love your blog!! Your outfits are gorgeous!! 🙂 xx