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Blogging And Making Time For Yourself

Blogging And Making Time For Yourself


Blogging and Making Time For Yourself 

Written By: Layla - @layladbeauty

No matter who we are or where we work, we all need a little break! In this post, Layla's discussing the benefits of blogging and making time for yourself, helping to keep your mind alert and ready to face anything which comes your way.

Blogging and Making Time For Yourself 

Many people have this image of bloggers living a perfect lifestyle.

Waking up whenever you want, working as much as you want, drinking coffee in beautiful locations with flower-backdrop walls....right?

For me, blogging is much more than a full-time job - it's something that I love and I tend to work during the day right up until the early hours of the morning, replying to emails, going through photos and checking out different locations for outfit shoots.

Over time, I've learned to balance everything in my life and this is why blogging and making time for yourself go hand-in-hand.

It's OK To Relax

SO many people feel bad to take a day off to relax. Even if you don't want to take a full day away from blogging - make sure you set a few hours aside for yourself.

Whether that's going out for a walk in the sunshine, meeting friends for a coffee or relaxing at home watching TV - it's time you've set aside for yourself. Take a break and relax every so often, it'll do you the world of good!

If you are in fact happy to take a few days off - book yourself a spa-day for the ultimate pamper treatment and make the most of your time.


Blogging and Making Time For Yourself

It doesn't matter if you work from home or your office - everything matters when it comes to blogging and here are a few ideas for your workspace and how to balance blogging and your time.


I love creating relaxing atmospheres no matter where I am - home or office, it all helps with how productive I become and helps with my 'relaxing time' too.

As you will have seen in this post - I love my candles and fairy lights (will be re-designing my workspace soon) so I always have scented candles dotted around along with pot pourri and incense sticks as they help to create a lovely atmosphere which not only helps you become more productive but also helps with the relaxed vibe you want to achieve.

In your workspace, think about creating a corner where you can relax in. Add a lovely chair, side-table and rug along with your favourite book or magazine and dedicate 15 minutes of your time there every so often. This will take your mind away from things and give you that well-needed break.

Learn To Find Balance

See Also

You might be reading this post and thinking 'I'd rather do something else than go for coffee or change my workspace' and that's fine - my point is that no matter what you do or where you work, you need to learn to find balance.

By all means work but also take the time to do what makes you happy.

Remember - a happy mind is a healthy mind. There's no need to feel overwhelmed or overworked, you just need to balance your schedule, make time for yourself and everything will fall into place.

I always love reading your comments and love it when you all share your advice and comments with each other so let me know what you think about blogging and making time for yourself.

I'd also like to see if anyone has other ideas or ways that they schedule their time so make sure you comment below - interact with each other too, this is a blogging community after all and it'll be nice to chat to each other and share advice. 🙂

Can't wait to hear from you all!

x x

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