Join Layla on IGTV (Instagram TV)

Join Layla on IGTV (Instagram TV)
Layla's Instagram - @layladbeauty
IGTV - or otherwise known as Instagram TV, it's the big launch that everyone is talking about!
So, What's IGTV?
For those of you who might not have heard about IGTV, it's the latest launch from Instagram and also known as Instagram TV.
IGTV is a separate app which connects to your Instagram account. This app allows you to share videos which are up to an hour long, targeting content-creators who want to share more with their Instagram followers.
The best part about the app is the fact that it connects with your account so whenever you post a video on there, it also shows up alongside your Instagram Highlight Stories.

Join Me On IGTV!
I've downloaded the app and you'll be able to see a little video online already - it's a little preview of what's to come.
I'll be sharing a variety of things online including fashion, beauty, travel and lifestyle.
This will have everything from my outfits, fashion shows I attend, beauty product launches, press-events, makeup tips, my travels and lots of fun things for you to all see and get involved with.
All you need to do is follow me on Instagram - @layladbeauty and download the app (IGTV) so you can get involved - why not create a channel for yourself too?
I'd love to know if any of you are planning to download the app - if you're on there, feel free to comment your usernames for others to see and make sure you follow / tag me as I'd love to check out your profiles too! 🙂
x x
Hello dear Layla, I have to admit I didn’t know that IGTV exists 🙂 Thanks for sharing and have many success with your account there!
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
Ah thank you so much x
I love the awesome new changes ig has made. So exciting!
Thank you! 🙂 x
I’m excited about IGTV! Not sure what I’ll be putting on there myself yet but I will definitely check yours out. x
Kate Louise Blogs
Ah thanks lovely! 🙂 xx