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Things To Know About Breast Surgery

Things To Know About Breast Surgery


Things To Know About Breast Surgery

This is a Collaborative Post

Here at Sprinkles of Style, none of us have had any form of surgery however, it's a big thing at the moment.

We're no experts on the matter however this is a collaborative post which has been written by specialists so you may find some of the information useful if you're planning surgery at some stage.

Things To Know About Breast Surgery

For most people, the decision to have cosmetic surgery is a very personal one and another type of surgery which is popular is breast surgery.

As with any type of surgery, the initial consultation will be between you and your surgeon helping you to make the key choices and discussing the different options to ensure the result you're looking for is achieved.

This is the stage where you can ask your surgeon any questions you want to know about - make sure all your questions are answered in detail.

 Your surgeon should also tell you about the type of surgery you're going to go through, the visibility of scars, the kind of recovery you can expect and the results overall.

There are four common approaches, each with their distinct benefits and your surgeon will go over each point to help you decide if you should be going for periareolar, inframammary, transaxillary, or transumbilical incision is best for you.

Periareolar Incision

This option tends to pose more of a risk but this is a technique which gives the surgeon excellent visibility and control over where the implant is placed. Overall, there's less post-surgical bruising and if the patient does want to make a change or future surgery is needed - the same point of incision can be re-used minimising the appearance of scarring.

The down side to this is what was mentioned above, the fact that this tends to pose more of a risk due to Capsular Contracture which is tight capsule forming around the implant.

This procedure also affects the milk ducts and nerves so it's not recommended for women who are looking to have children.

Inframammary Incision

This approach has several benefits and allows more flexibility in choosing how the implant is placed to achieve a wider range of results.

Unlike the Periareolar Incision, this incision bypasses the milk ducts which poses less risk of damage and makes it possible for women of all ages to still breastfeed however - there are always risks.

Scarring tends to be minimal too and in most cases, can be hidden under a bikini top however this is different for everyone depending on how the body heals.

Transaxillary Incision

The transaxillary technique allows a breast implant to be inserted through the fold in the armpit. An endoscope (a tube with a light and camera) helps the surgeon guide the implant into the optimal position.

Since the incision is located under the arm, there are no visible scars in the breast area.

See Also

Transumbilical or TUBA incision

The transumbilical approach is the least common.

Using an endoscope, the breast implant is guided through an incision near the belly button and is pushed up behind the breast.

Unlike other incision types, only subpectoral or submuscular placement can be used.

This procedure doesn't scar, the recovery time is typically shorter and it normally doesn't interfere with breast feeding however - this procedure only works with saline breast implants.

Find Out More

Personal preference plays a large role in choosing an incision style but the team at the Aesthetic Surgery Center is committed to helping you understand how each is best-suited to helping you reach your goals.

Dr. William Ross, a breast augmentation surgeon in Naples, FL and leader in aesthetic surgery will develop a personalized plan of care for you to help you get the look you’ve always wanted.

To learn more about Dr. Ross and the rest of the team, call (239)-594-9100 or visit the Aesthetic Surgery Center's website at


This is a Collaborative Post for Sprinkles of Style

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