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Ted Baker Boots

Ted Baker Boots

Ted Baker Cut Out Boots



Ted Baker Floral Boots


You all know how much I love my boots and shoes in general and as the weather has started changing we’ve been seeing more rain and if we like it or not the weather will be getting colder so I’ve been browsing the internet and came across these gorgeous Ted Baker Boots!

Some of you will love them, some of you will hate them…I accept that as this is what fashion is about, fashion is about different colours, different patterns and having fun…some things we will love and some things we will dislike but I enjoy being able to share things like this on my blog and hearing peoples opinions! 🙂

Why do I like these Ted Baker Boots?

 I like them as they’re unique and both have a different edge to them, the designs are different and I think these would be the focus of an outfit.

Picture one – Ted Baker Cut Out Boots

The design on these is a simple leopard print but not as we know it…it’s a red and black leopard print instead of your typical beige and black leopard print…slightly different but very classy in my opinion. I’ve spotted a similar design on Gucci sneakers!

Picture Two – Ted Baker Floral Boots

I think the design on these will receive a very mixed opinion…I really LOVE them and I know that many of my friends will absolutely hate them however these would look gorgeous with an all black outfit. The flowers remind me of chinese type designs and kimonos….I have no idea why!

How much are these Boots?

Ted Baker Cut Out Boots (Leopard Print) – £150

Ted Baker Floral Boots (Flower Design) – £180

They’re not cheap but I’m up for having fun and spending some money on pieces I know I’ll wear time after time…yes I’d be VERY sad if they got ruined in the rain which is why I like to drive everywhere hahaha! 🙂

Let me know what you think of these pieces lovely readers! 🙂

I want to hear from you!!!

Layla xx

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