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Perfumed Jewelry

Perfumed Jewelry

Perfumed Jewelry

Perfumed Jewelry

Perfumed Jewelry

Perfumed Jewelry

Perfumed Jewelry

Perfumed Jewelry

Perfumed Jewelry

Perfumed Jewelry

Perfumed Jewelry

Perfumed Jewelry


Perfumed Jewelry – Enchanted Silver* $140

I am SO excited to be writing this post right now and I really think you’re all going to love this piece as it’s unlike anything else I’ve featured on here before!

About Perfumed Jewelry

Perfumed Jewelry was founded by Renee who was inspired when she looked into her mothers jewellery box and found a little fragranced handkerchief which had scented all the jewellery in the box.

This led to Renee, the founder of Perfumed Jewelry, to think of joining perfume and jewellery together.

Following years of research, Renee’s dream became a reality and Perfumed Jewelry was launched, one of your favourite perfumes can now be with you all day, everyday.

How does Perfumed Jewelry work?

You select your favourite pendant and I picked the ‘Enchanted‘ pendant as I thought it was the prettiest one on there and it suits my style better.

You then have over 200 fragrances to choose from and I picked Coco Chanel Mademoiselle as I love how it smells and the perfume is then infused into a ‘JewelStone‘ or perfume block as I like to call it although I prefer Jewel stone….it sounds a lot nicer! 🙂

You then place one of the jewel stones into your pendant and that scent will last for 28 days, longer if you put the jewel stone back in it’s beautiful container at the end of a day.

What do I receive?

If you buy the full set you pick your pendant which comes on a lovely chain and you get a choice of 3 jewel stones….you can select different perfumes or keep the all the same, I kept them all the same but you can mix and match the perfumes.

When you order refills you get 2 jewel stones again in the lovely container which is shaped like a lovely jewel and makes you feel extremely special!! 🙂

What else can you use the pendant for?

I like the fact you don’t have to use the perfume all the time and you can remove the jewel stone, this means if you’d rather have something special with you all the time you can!

If it’s a birthstone, crystal or something dear to you then put it in the pendant and have it with you all the time…it doesn’t have to hold the perfume block/ jewel stone only.

Can this be bought online?

Of course!

You can purchase this exact pendant by clicking HERE or you can view the other pendants by clicking HERE

What are my overall thoughts about Perfumed Jewelry?

I am in LOVE with this pendant, it’s absolutely beautiful and the fact I can have a perfume in it or something special to me makes it even better!

It’s really handy especially if you’re a get up and go person…you don’t have to think about your perfume as you know it’ll smell beautiful all day and you have a gorgeous necklace on too!

This is a wonderful piece which looks just as good worn on its own as it is when layered with other necklaces.

I love the idea behind the brand and think this is a must-have for everyone and with Christmas round the corner why not treat someone to something special, something unique which you won’t be able to find on the high street!?

My beautiful readers, let me know what you think if this….is it something you’d like for Christmas or will you be buying it as a gift for someone special???

Let me know!!

Layla xxx

I would like to say a massive thank you to Perfumed Jewelry for sending me this piece of jewellery…I will be featuring it on my outfit posts as it’s something I will be wearing often and I love that you can’t find it on the high street!

See Also

Thank you!!! 

P.S – All my UK readers please note that I got charged £15 for tax reasons. 


 Εμαι πολυ χαρουμενη που εχω να γραψω για κατι εντελως διαφορετικο αποτι εχω γραψει μεχρι σημερα.

Η ιδεα αυτου του δωρου ειναι ιδιαιτερη μια και ειναι ενα κοσμημα αλλα συνχρονως και αρωμα.

Οταν λοιπον για τα Χριστουγεννα η και για οποιαδηποτε αλλη στιγμη η ακομα και για τον εαυτο σας θελησετε να κανετε ενα διαφορετικο δωρο αυτο ειναι το καταληλο.

Διαλεγετε το κολλιε που σας αρεσει και μετα το αρωμα που προτιματε η ποικιλια ειναι πολυ μεγαλη.

Η συσκευασια παραλαβης ειναι πολυ ομορφη ερχεται χωριστα το κολλιε και χωριστα το αρωμα το οποιο ειναι σε μορφη μικρης πετρας το οποιο μπαινει μεσα στο κοσμημα και κραταει για ενα μηνα.

Ερχονται 3 πετρουλες/ αρωματα μαζι που σημaiνει θα μοσχοβολατε ολη μερα επι τρεις μηνες με το αγαπημενο σας αρωμα και φυσικα μπορειτε να παραγγειλετε και αλλο αρωμα πριν αυτο σας τελειωσει η να βαλετε καποιο δικο σας προσωπικο αντικειμενο το οποιο θα εχετε παντα μαζι σας κατι σαν μια πολυτιμη πετρα η ενα φυλαχτο.

Μπορειτε να επισκευτειτε το site Perfumed Jewellery και να δειτε μονoi σας τα δωρα που υπαρχουν.

Εκεινο που θελω να προσθεσω ειναι οτι εκτος απο την τιμη πρεπει να λαβετε υποψιν σας οτι θα πληρωσετε και καποιο φορο γιατι ειναι εκτος Ευρωπης.

Eγω για παραδειγμα πληρωσα 15 λιρες Αγγλιας.

Φιλακια πολλα περιμενω τα σχολια σας

Layla xx



Greek Fashion Bloggers, Ελληνικο Fashion Blog, Ελληνικα Fashion Bloggers, Μοδα 
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