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Mothers Day With New Look

Mothers Day With New Look

Mothers Day With New Look


Mothers Day With New Look

Mothers Day is nearly here and I was contacted by New Look and asked to put together a little post about some items for mums especially for Mothers Day.

I don’t normally get involved with these types of posts but for some reason I actually thought it would be really fun and something people would be interested in!

Looking at the picture above everything may look modern and perhaps for some mums ‘too cool’ but these are items which can be worn by everyone.

Mint Green Pastel Sweatshirt£19.99

Pastels are everywhere and mint green suits everyone no matter your skin tone or hair colour. Sweatshirts are perfect for this time of year as it’s not too hot and not too cold…a light jacket on top and it’s perfect.

Navy Denim Bootcut Jeans£12.99

Bootcut jeans flatter everyone, they’re a classic cut and one of the most popular styles to go for. They look great with flats and with heels – perfect all round!

Mint Green Colour Block Panel Clutch£12.99

Who doesn’t love a clutch bag? Clutch bags are loved by everyone and can easily go from day to night. Beautiful mint green contrasting with the black…it’s just gorgeous!

Black Pointed Court Shoes£14.99

Court shoes suit everyone, these are a midi heel which means they’re not too flat and not too high so you don’t have to worry about falling over. Wearing a small heel can make a big difference with your outfit and make you feel more confident!

As I’ve mentioned above everything I’ve selected is classical and flatters/suits everyone no matter your age, height or build.

If your mum doesn’t want to wear too much colour, why not buy the clutch bag as a gift? This will ease her into adding colours to her wardrobe and she can easily take it from a day clutch to a night clutch.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and hopefully it’s some inspiration for Mothers Day! 🙂

Let me know what you think…do you like the items featured?

Layla xx

To shop any of the items click the product name to go straight to the product page!

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