How to start a beauty and fashion blog – Basics

How to start a beauty and fashion blog – Basics
Before I start this post I just want to say that in no way do I consider myself an “expert” at blogging, I’m relatively new to the land of blogging but over the past few weeks I’ve been getting more and more emails from people asking for advice on how to start a beauty and fashion blog so I thought it would be good to write a post and hopefully some of you will be able to benefit! 🙂
How to start a beauty and fashion blog – Name
First thing is first, you need to think of a name for your blog.
Keep it to the point and simple…it’s no good having – that’s too long and it’s not something people will be able to remember.
The reason I picked Sprinkles of Style is because it’s simple, it reflects on the blog topics and I think it’s quite pretty too 🙂
How to start a beauty and fashion blog – Design
Unfortunately in this case appearance DO matter and it plays a major part in how people will respond to your beauty or fashion blog.
Personally I LOVE white backgrounds – it looks sleek and if you focus on photography too the colours will stand out even more against a white background.
Keep things neat too…don’t clutter your blog too much – it’s nice to have a few adverts and social media links like twitter, instagram and facebook but keep everything to the point.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve clicked on a blog only to be greeted with a black background, neon writing and music – something’s are just too much!!
How to start a beauty and fashion blog – Posts
You’ve probably heard it all before but content is key, you need to write detailed posts with good grammar and spelling.
I also like using sub-headers and quotes which split up a post and make it easier to read rather than having long paragraphs which can bore people.
Please, please, PLEASE make sure your posts are unique, there’s nothing worse than visiting different blogs and seeing the same content or even worse – your own photos!
That’s NOT cool – Don’t steal!!!
So lovely readers, I’ll leave it there for now but I will be doing more which will cover photography, ideas and more! 🙂
If you have any questions or would like any help with your blog please feel free to email me ([email protected]), tweet me or comment below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
Layla xx
Oh lovely tips Layla… remember my initial days of blogging , gawwwd!!! I was so clueless and every day has been a learning experience since then. Great post for the beginners.
Hahaha awww, we all started somewhere!!! 🙂 xxx
This is such a great post, fab advice, i just wish i had knew these before i started;p but they’re definitely tips i’ll take on board now 🙂 Thank you so much for passing by my blog btw i really appreciate it! x
| Life as a Petite || Fashion, Crafts & Lifestyle Blog |
Aww thank you so much, anyone can use the tips and it’s NEVER too late!! Thank you for your kind words 🙂 xxx
really great advice 🙂 love white background too, everything looks so neat and clean and p.s. your blog looks amazing 🙂
Aww thank you!! Just some little tips – if someone finds it useful then I’m happy 🙂 xxx
awesome post !!! i follow you waiting for you now
new post on my blog
Thank you!!! Followed you back!! 🙂 xx
I just came back to blogging after almost a year, I’m on my way to remodel my blog and oh I so made some of those mistakes before!
Looking forward to the next post about it cause I still need to learn a lot! I think I’m going to follow you so I don’t miss it >__< plus, the appearance DO matter a lot, and your blog looks super cute!
Welcome back to blogging!! Everyone makes mistakes but if one person can benefit and take something away from this post then I’m very happy! 🙂
The next post will be online soon and I’ll be covering photography, inspiration etc! Thank you for following – if you have any questions or would like help just tweet and/or email me and I’ll be happy to help you!! xxx
Great tips! I’ve been blogging for years now but I really made some huge mistakes in the beginning, so it’s nice for new bloggers to have these tips and start out great! 😀
Hi Amy, it doesn’t matter if you made mistakes, at least you can learn as you go along but even if one person finds this useful then I’m happy with that 🙂 Thank you for your lovely comment!! 🙂 xxx
Darling another fabulous post thank you for your tips and for sharing this post with us
Thank you so much for all your kind words, I really appreciate it! If this posts helps another beauty / fashion blogger then I’m happy 🙂 xxx
Awesome post x
Thank you Bethy!!! 🙂 xxx
cute post thank you for the tips i like where you talk about the blog name 😀
Hahahaha!! Yes, I thought I’d make a point 🙂 xxx
Such a nice post 🙂
Thank you Kayleigh!! 🙂 xxx
you write in such a lovely way the detail is really nice and you actually focus on things that matter!
Aww – that’s so sweet of you!! Thank you so much for your kind comments! Many people have emailed asking if I have tips or advice and thought I’d do a post like this and hopefully someone can benefit from it! 🙂 xx
thank you for these tips layla i cant wait to see more 🙂
Aww thank you!! I have more coming soon – probably over the weekend 🙂 xx
Thank you for your tips! Very informative post!!! I’m waiting for part 2! 🙂
Thank you for your lovely comment!! Yes part 2 is coming soon 🙂 xxx