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How to start a beauty and fashion blog – Basics

How to start a beauty and fashion blog – Basics


how to start a beauty and fashion blog

How to start a beauty and fashion blog – Basics

Before I start this post I just want to say that in no way do I consider myself an “expert” at blogging, I’m relatively new to the land of blogging but over the past few weeks I’ve been getting more and more emails from people asking for advice on how to start a beauty and fashion blog so I thought it would be good to write a post and hopefully some of you will be able to benefit! 🙂

How to start a beauty and fashion blog – Name

First thing is first, you need to think of a name for your blog.

Keep it to the point and simple…it’s no good having – that’s too long and it’s not something people will be able to remember.

The reason I picked Sprinkles of Style is because it’s simple, it reflects on the blog topics and I think it’s quite pretty too 🙂

How to start a beauty and fashion blog – Design

Unfortunately in this case appearance DO matter and it plays a major part in how people will respond to your beauty or fashion blog.

Personally I LOVE white backgrounds – it looks sleek and if you focus on photography too the colours will stand out even more against a white background.

Keep things neat too…don’t clutter your blog too much – it’s nice to have a few adverts and social media links like twitter, instagram and facebook but keep everything to the point.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve clicked on a blog only to be greeted with a black background, neon writing and music – something’s are just too much!!

How to start a beauty and fashion blog – Posts

You’ve probably heard it all before but content is key, you need to write detailed posts with good grammar and spelling.

I also like using sub-headers and quotes which split up a post and make it easier to read rather than having long paragraphs which can bore people.

See Also

Please, please, PLEASE make sure your posts are unique, there’s nothing worse than visiting different blogs and seeing the same content or even worse – your own photos!

That’s NOT cool – Don’t steal!!!

So lovely readers, I’ll leave it there for now but I will be doing more which will cover photography, ideas and more! 🙂

If you have any questions or would like any help with your blog please feel free to email me ([email protected]), tweet me or comment below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Layla xx

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