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H&M Press Day – Summer Collection 2013

H&M Press Day – Summer Collection 2013

A couple of weeks ago I was invited ti view the new summer collection from H&M…it was one of my first fashion press events and I was extremely excited that I had been invited! 🙂
Of course I took some pictured for you to view the collection so really you were all there with me 😉
Snacks and drinks were being served by the sweetest waiters….I actually wanted to hug one of them cause she was just so cute but I didn’t because that’s weird haha!!
After having a look round I came to the conclusion that these things will be HUGE this summer!
  • Colourful / Patterned Denim Shorts
  • Gemstone Accessories
  • Fringe Detail
  • Block Colour
  • Neon

I imagine all of the magazine to be filled with the points listed above so I’ll definitely be on the lookout!

I love bright colours and just feel like sunshine and warm weather makes everyone want to experiment more with fashion and take a risk….this is why I see so many gorgeous fashion bloggers in L.A & Milan…they have beautiful weather!! 
One thing which I would like for all you beautiful readers to know is that I was extremely disappointed after 10 minutes of my arrival.
A woman entered the room and ALL of the staff rushed over to her like she was some celebrity, they were offering her clothes to wear and told her whatever she wanted to let them know and they will go and see if they have it in stock.
I’m sorry but when you hold a press event you treat EVERYONE the same, you either offer EVERYONE clothes to check out and wear or you don’t let ANYONE wear any clothes…..she was an extremely stuck up woman and didn’t even remove her sunglasses.
Now you may think I’m coming across as bitter but I’m not….I’m expressing my opinion and I believe that companies should treat everyone the same and offer everyone the same….we bloggers take more time and put more effort into our posts and try to make our photos look wonderful for our readers so we too should be respected in the same way as they treat their ‘models’…
I was very disappointed after that and wanted to leave quickly as I felt like I was just invited for a free post but with the free post I am expressing my opinion 🙂
Anyway I hope you all enjoy the photos and look out for some wonderful things coming soon from H&M! 🙂
Lots of love!
Layla xxx
P.S – Who loves the kitten espadrilles and gemstone shorts??? They were adorable haha! 
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