Astrology Forecast November: 17/11/2020

Let’s take a look at the Astrology Forecast for 17th November 2020. Tank you to Karl-Heinz Ottinger and Uranian Astrolabor for sharing.
Dear Friends,
We’re starting things off with the USA as this is still the main focus due to the election results, media reports and news.
As it goes, America will never be the same again! A MIT biological engineer (a scientist, not just a random person) has spoken out and proved with mathematics and evidence that the elections were in fact fraud.
In Wisconsin for example, there’s a big chance of things now ‘turning’ towards the Republicans. Trump received 30,000 votes which were deleted and added onto Biden’s count instead…..
The MIT biological engineer has also shown that the Dominion program had a mathematical analogy which contradicts the law of probability and by basing things on the on information which has been gathered and shown, it’s looking more and more likely that the ‘House of Trump’ (the legal side) is probably true in regards to the election!
Moving onto another topic which we’re all focusing on, Covid. The company, Moderna announced it’s own vaccine against Covid-19, with a success rate of 94.5%* (*to live or to die is a question…..)
Prediction for 17/11/2020
The day overall requires a lot of attention but we all need to have the ability to keep ourselves relaxed, balanced and calm.
The body can be susceptible or open to minor sickness. Carrier of secrets and discussions about honour dignity and decency. Discussions about point of view on certain issues.
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