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Studio London Nail Polish Collection

Studio London Nail Polish Collection


Studio London Nail Polish CollectionStudio London Nail Polish CollectionStudio London Nail Polish CollectionStudio London Nail Polish Collection ReviewStudio London Nail Polish CollectionStudio London Nail Polish Collection SwatchesStudio London Nail Polish Collection Review

Studio London Nail Polish Collection *

As a lot of you may have seen on here, Instagram or Twitter, I was recently invited to a wonderful event hosted by Superdrug to see their new beauty collections for Christmas and in this post I’ll be talking about the Studio London Nail Polish Collection.

You all know how much I love my nail polishes so anything like this makes me a happy beauty blogger and I know that you gorgeous readers love a bit of colour too 😉

Studio London Nail Polish Collection – Packaging

One thing which I really love about Christmas is seeing all the wonderful gift sets and of course the packaging, it’s Christmas and things need to be fun, colourful and out there.

The Studio London Nail Polish collection comes in a gift set box which is really pretty but it’s not at all over the top, just a splash of colour here and there meaning you focus will be drawn to the lovely coloured nail polishes. 🙂

Studio London Nail Polish Collection – Colours

As you can see the colours are really lovely and perfect for Autumn and winter which is when we all seem to reach for deeper, rich shades…I’m currently wearing a deep blue/black (review soon) as I type 🙂

There are 3 colours in this nail polish collection.

Deep Mauve

Rich Red

Brilliant Shimmer Blue

For me all the colours are extremely chic, classic and timeless, there’s nothing ‘out there’ or ‘over the top’ with the colours, simple and beautiful – simplicity is best!

Studio London Nail Polish Collection – Wands

You know I love a good wand – nail polish wand….don’t go thinking I’m Hermione from Harry Potter!

Wands are the main thing when it comes to applying your nail polish closely followed but the texture and the polish itself. If the wand bristles are firm then I personally think you have much more control over your nail polish.

I found these wands to be really good – not brilliant but they did do the job well compared to other brands on the market and I think for a gift set it’s really good quality!

Studio London Nail Polish Collection – Polish Texture

Like I mentioned above the main thing about being able to apply your nail polish correctly is the wand closely followed by the texture of the polish itself!

The consistency was in fact very good, it was just right, not too watery or too thick – perfect for a decent application.

See Also

Studio London Nail Polish Collection – Colour Lasting Power

Now, for those of you who know me will know that I change my nail polish every or every other day….it’s like a habit and I like seeing different colours but only when I review a polish will I keep it on for longer to really test it.

The colour lasting power of these was quite good, around 2 days before a chip appeared and on the 4th day it needed to come off – this was with a top coat too!

For the colour to look lovely and even I had to apply 3-4 coats, in the pictures above I only applied 2 coats and whilst it’s ok you can still see the odd streak here and there.

Studio London Nail Polish Collection – Purchase/Price

You can purchase this set from Superdrug along with a ‘nude/natural‘ set for just £3!!!

Yes, you read that right…..this set is just £3 and for the price the quality is great and I would really recommend it as a gift for someone starting out in make-up, a nail polish lover or even as a stocking filler for a friend! 🙂

Click HERE to view the Perfect Nudes collection on Superdrug – also £3 🙂

As always I love hearing from you so let me know what you think of the colours and brand….have you tried it before?

Layla xxx

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