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Wear White In Winter

Wear White In Winter



Wear White In Winter 

Hey everyone! I hope you’re all well! Can you believe that it’s Thursday already? It’s nearly the weekend and for me, it’ll be spent watching Formula 1 haha! 🙂

(See my F1 Blog)

Here in the UK, you can now really feel the weather changing – the heating is on, the nights are getting longer and it’s cold.

Today, for the first time I actually wore 3 layers of clothing, that’s right – 3 layers!

You all know that I love my dark colours in the Autumn and Winter months however, this year I’m feeling like a little change and want to wear white in winter with a few touches of colour along the way and in this post, I’m sharing some tips about how to style your look.

Wear White In Winter – Full Outfit

Instead of wearing all-black opt for something different and wear all-white!

It’s a completely different look for a lot of people, especially in the colder months but why shouldn’t we do something different? At the end of the day, fashion is all about having fun and experimenting with your look.

A basic white tee and white ripped jeans will change your look instantly whilst keeping things simple yet chic. If it’s not too cold you can wear a pair of or to compliment the look. Effortlessly chic.

Wear White In Winter – Accessories 

If wearing all-white is completely out of your comfort zone then you can opt for a over the top or .

See Also

If you want to add a bit of colour to your look whilst keeping things girly then you can wear a over the top of your all-white outfit with a few touches of- complimenting everything perfectly!

Everyone can tell you to wear ‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ but overall – YOU need to be comfortable and feel confident in what you’re wearing but hopefully this post gave you a few ideas and tips on how to wear white in winter….. start off with white accessories and work your way to an all-white outfit…. you’ll love it! 🙂

Hope you all have a lovely evening!

Let me know if you love wearing white in winter, if you have any tips or what colours / styles you’re looking forward to wearing the most over the colder seasons ahead! 🙂


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