Vapestick Menthol Electronic Cigarette
Vapestick Menthol Electronic Cigarette *
A lot of you lovely readers will have read my preview post a couple of weeks ago about Vapestick.
Vapestick is a NEW e-cigarette brand with a difference, before their launch they invested months of time into research and development to create unique products like no others currently on the market.
I’m no smoker but after finding out about Vapestick I’ve also done some research and haven’t seen any brands like Vapestick around with their unique products.
Vapestick Menthol Electronic Cigarette – Packaging
The packaging is very simple and easy to read. It comes in a clear casing to protect the e-cigarette.
Upon removing the casing the e-cigarette sits in a lovely plastic compartment with the label at the top, bottom and back with all the relevant info.
Vapestick Menthol Electronic Cigarette – Feel
This is a lightweight e-cigarette but at the same time it doesn’t feel flimsy or plasticky.
It’s high-quality and doesn’t feel like it’ll break after the first use which is great!
Vapestick Menthol Electronic Cigarette – Taste
Again I would like to mention that I am NOT a smoker, I’m just testing these to feature online.
The taste of the menthol cigarette is actually incredible! There’s not one hint of horrible smoke, it’s just incredibly fresh and minty!
Like you’ve eaten a couple of strong mints – really, it’s actually that nice!
Vapestick Menthol Electronic Cigarette – Light
As you may have spotted and one feature which I LOVE is the cool light on the end of the e-cigarette.
When not in use the end just looks grey and normal but inhale and the end turns bright blue which I think is brilliant….I mean you don’t get that when smoking a normal cigarette haha!
Vapestick Menthol Electronic Cigarette – Overall
Like I’ve mentioned previously, I really do think that E-Cigarettes are a wonderful way to stop smoking or a good alternative for those who socially smoke.
They’re not as harmful as normal cigarettes, there’s no harmful smoke, no horrible smell and you can smoke these indoors too!
Vapestick – Purchase
You can click HERE to go straight to the Vapestick website where you’ll be able to see all their other products online.
I have another post coming soon which is AMAZING for non-smokers so check back soon!
Let me know what you think and if you’ve tried Vapestick!
Layla xx
If it will help someone cut back or stop smoking those cancer sticks I’m all for it.
Exactly!! I’m not a smoker but if it helps someone then great!! 🙂 xxx
It sounds like a nice product!
Thank you!! 🙂 xxx