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Pretty Office Ideas

Pretty Office Ideas

pretty office ideas

pretty office ideas


Pretty Office Ideas – Working as a full-time blogger means that I’m always looking for ways to update my office/workspace to make it look pretty, cute and you guessed it – girly!!

In this post I’ll be giving you a few simple ideas on how to transform your home office and turn it into a little ‘blogging haven‘ if you will – whilst staying in budget!

If you’re anything like me then you’ll probably be changing things every few months so there’s no need to go out and spend loads on accessories – I quite like doing DIY projects to make things a bit more unique. 🙂

Paint –  So, I know this might be a weird thing to talk about BUT I always feel like a room can be completely transformed with a little bit of paint to give it a bright, fresh feel.

I personally love rooms to be painted cream/beige/off-white and then I’ll customise things by adding decorative pieces and colourful accessories!

-*-*- Why not buy a couple of sample paint pots in pastel colours and a blank canvas then painting random colours onto the canvas as pictured above on the left! Instant colour and easy to do! 🙂 

Accessories –  This is where the fun starts for me! I could spend hours in places like IKEA, Wilkos and HobbyCraft as they all have such a variety of accessories when it comes to your home and office/workspace!
Little Pen holders, file organisers, vases and glass jars are something that I consider to be ‘essentials’ when it comes to your office. There are some really pretty accessories in stores but when people want to get creative I always suggest looking at the plain versions which could then be customised! 🙂

Glass Jars –  These are having a moment with me, I have 4 in different sizes and want to get another 2 as I have them placed on a shelf.

I bought some thin material in lovely pastel shades (baby-pink, baby-blue, mint-green and lilac) filling each glass jar with one of the colours and then placing some delicate fairy lights around them – they look beautiful when lit and the baby-pink jar looks like candy floss haha! 🙂

IKEA is one of the most-loved places to shop and many bloggers are going crazy for their storage drawers but I quite like their accessories as you can find lots of things on a budget!

See Also

I have this Skurar Lantern Holder filled with fairy lights on my desk (can you tell that I love fairy lights) and the lantern holder has a lovely design pattern which looks gorgeous when the fairy lights are switched on as you just get a lovely glow from it giving the room a beautiful cosy feel! 🙂

Flowers – This is where the vases are used….I love my flowers around the house but for the office prefer using false flowers and there’s so many options out there, I mean some false flowers look so real!!
I have two glass vases – one is filled with pastel coloured flowers and the other has bright, bold flowers….it’s all about variety and contrast with me haha! 🙂

By looking around in different stores you can find some really lovely pieces that will make a room look luxurious without having spent a fortune.

Be creative and purchase items that you could customise a few months down the line….it’s all about having fun, enjoying yourself and making a room perfect for you! 🙂

Would any of you like to see some DIY features on here too? Let me know! 🙂

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