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Preparing For A Big Travel Challenge

Preparing For A Big Travel Challenge


There are many different kinds of challenges when it comes to travel. Anything that isn’t a package holiday with plenty of relaxing by the pool can be a little different, and you might find that you struggle to cope.

Hey, even braving the airport on a package deal can be a bit of a trauma! But, some challenges are more so than others.

You might be going backpacking around the world but remember that this can be significant physical and mental exhaustion.

Decided to learn a new skill? Something like snowboarding or surfing – whilst they’re cool, they can be difficult so make sure you have the right people with you.

Or, how about a trek up Kilimanjaro? Or a similar hike? All these sorts of trips are fun and exciting, but they usually take a little more preparation than a trip to a luxury hotel with a beautifully clean beach!

Plan Your Itinerary


So, you’ve chosen a challenge, but you still need to work out the details.

If you’re facing a trek up Kilimanjaro you might need to book a specific package, organise guides and make sure you fly on the right dates.

When challenging yourself with a new skill, you will need to look at lessons, equipment and having the right people with you as well as teaching you!

Plan your itinerary well, so that you are always where you need to be, with everything that you need – at all the right times. 

Get Everything Booked In

Booking is essential, no matter where you are or what you’re doing – especially if your challenge is a popular one.

We all saw photos of a very overcrowded Mount Everest last summer so it’s always worth booking things in advance and getting things organised as soon as possible.

Don’t forget to take a look for any permits or licenses which you might need. This is why you need to have the right people with you and around you when doing something challenging.

Pack Sensibly

With big travel challenges, it’s always worth reading up on plenty of guides, blogs and looking at insights from people who have done something similar (or the same) to you.

You’ll come across things from a different perspective and could find other things to take away with you.

There may also be important advice and restrictions – make sure you read through everything.

Get Fit

Improving your fitness is crucial if you want to complete a big challenge.

Even if you are backpacking and taking your time, it can be a big physical strain, and you might want to take part in some training before your travel.

Give yourself plenty of time and slowly increase your fitness levels, setting small goals to keep you on track. 

See Also

Adjust to a New Diet

What are you going to be eating while you are away?

If you are travelling the world, you might be exposing yourself to many new foods. Think about your diet and see what food benefit you, your health and your lifestyle with high energy meals.

Adjust to your diet and if it’s something very different to what you’re used to – start before you travel as this will allow your body to adjust so your digestive system is ready.

Prepare Mentally

Mentally – this is one of the most important things when it comes to a challenging trip.

If you are going to be away from home for a long time, you might get lonely or homesick – you may feel stressed or emotionally exhausted.

Do plenty of research beforehand and make sure you prepare yourself and get in the correct mindset for your trip.

This will work in your favour 100% and will help you have a wonderful trip that you’ll never forget.

Layla x

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