Motivation Monday: Make It Happen

Motivation Monday: Make It Happen – Hey everyone! Hope you’re all well and feeling great after the weekend, I’m back with your Motivation Monday posts and oh how I’ve missed writing them! 🙂
All of my Motivation Monday posts seem to revolve around the same thing, being happy, doing what you love and surrounding yourself with people you love.
I know it’s easy for me to say “smile” and “be happy” but don’t think that I don’t have my ‘down-days‘ or ‘sad-days‘ too – I do, it’s a way of life but I always try to look at the positive side – if everyday was ‘perfect‘ then life would be a little bit boring….
We need to make things happen, we can’t sit around and wait for opportunities to knock on the door – we need to get out there, network and follow our dreams!
It’s time to make things happen, stop thinking about the “what-if’s” or the “buts” – if you want something, whether it’s a job, a relationship or simply a change in your life – go for it, make things happen for you!
You’re the one who’s living your life so you need to think about what’s best for you, your happiness and your spirit – we only have one life so make sure you live it and don’t let anyone bring you down!
Like I said above, it’s easy for me to say to you “follow your dreams” BUT if I didn’t make things happen and if I didn’t follow my dreams then I wouldn’t be sat here typing away…..just think that 😉
Thanks for the motivation, seriously needed it today!
I completely agree, I think it’s so important to get out there and really do what you love- no matter what that might be!
Thank you so much – I’m glad that you agree, it’s all about making things happen and getting out there 🙂 xxx
I’m trying to make it happen here. Ha!! Its not easy, but at least we can try. 🙂
Have a good week.
Hahahaha – it’s not easy but it’s the trying that counts xx
Great tips girl, thank you for sharing!
Camy xx
Thank you very much! xx