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Keeping It Fresh The Easy Way

Keeping It Fresh The Easy Way


Keeping It Fresh The Easy Way 

Written By: Sprinkles of Style

Location: London, United Kingdom

Cleaning, tidying, and general housework are some of the most hated jobs in the world (not for Layla - she's a clean freak!)

People will go to extreme lengths to avoid these tasks, paying others to do it for them, or simply living amongst the mess they produce. Of course, though, not everyone can be at the extreme ends of this scale.

Instead, it’s likely that you will want to find a middle ground, enabling you to cover the work in your home without having to spend too much time on it. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring some of the simplest ways to keep your space fresh.

This sort of challenge has to start with a solid plan. It’s worth having an idea of how long it takes for you to clean the place, along with the work which has to be done most often.

With this information you can then start to build yourself a schedule. There are a handful of rules which have to be followed with this - all working together to create a routine which will cover the entire place without missing anything.

Below, we've put together a little guide and you can find some examples of these 'rules' to follow, enabling you to get started right away!

Little And Often

It's a lot easier to clean a home which has recently been cleaned - doing a little bit of work each day will not only help keep the place clean but overall, it'll feel like you're not doing too much as you're keeping on top of things.

Overall, this will help you in the long-run, keeping the whole place in good shape whilst saving you time and effort which you could spend elsewhere - for example catching up with friends for an evening or going through your emails.

By cleaning little and often - you'll have much more time for things that matter to you.  

Allow Extra Time

Yep - whilst it might take more time to take a route like this, it'll be well worth allowing yourself that little bit more time.

Not only will you feel great about allowing yourself to take things easy but you'll also be able to spend more time on making the whole house look great, fresh and clean!

The only downside to this is that plans which you might have made might need to take a back seat - the whole point on allowing yourself that bit more time is to make the process stress-free.

If you clean in your own time without being in a rush - you might end up enjoying it!

Be Strict

OK, so this can be a little bit difficult for some people, when it comes to cleaning (in general) - you need to be strict with yourself.

If you want to be living in the home of your dreams - you have to be strict and make sure that you're putting a set amount of time aside to clean and freshen up the place. 

Over time, this is something which you'll develop, you'll notice that your habits will change and who knows - the whole cleaning process might actually become enjoyable! 

(If you're anything like Layla, you'll love cleaning and making sure everything is organised and 'pretty')


See Also

It can be easy to ignore the tools which are available to make work like this easier for you.

Over the years companies have worked towards inventing and improving cleaning products to make them effortless to use.

Check out companies like Appliance Hunter which can help you to find the best examples of the options you have for each job. Using tools like this, you will ensure that you can always rely on your tools, while also saving some money along the way.

However something like this will only be worth it if you keep using the tools as you should.

With cleaning being such a challenging part of life, a lot of people find themselves simply not doing enough in this area.

Doing a big clean every week or so isn’t very efficient - instead, with the right discipline, you can make this into a painless daily routine! 🙂

Let us know what you think - are you a fan of cleaning like Layla or not so much...

The Sprinkles of Style Team

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