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Sunday Sunsets

Sunday Sunsets

fashion blogger-greece

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Sunday Sunsets 

Summer, Sundays and Sunsets go hand in hand - take a moment to clear your head, relax and admire the beauty in the world.

Hey everyone!

I hope you're all well and having a great weekend.

I haven't written a post like this in a while and it normally comes as part of the Monday Motivation posts that I write however, I've managed to find a little bit of time to write this.

If anyone needs a little bit of a boost - just take a few minutes to read this post. I hope at least one person out there will feel happier, motivated and inspired after reading this....


Sunday Sunsets

In this day and age, we're constantly being told that the world is a bad place and yes - it's not perfect (and nothing is) but do we really need to bring our spirits down by accepting it? No.

There's so much stress and sadness in the world and I think that many people tend to get dragged into a vicious circle - not fulfilling their dreams, not appreciating the things the do have and generally not living their life to the full.

At the end of last year, I started to get stuck in a little bit of a routine, not focusing on the right things - to the point where I wasn't feeling myself and I wasn't entirely happy.

 I made it my goal to get out of that routine that I was in, focusing on only the positives in my life and since then - I haven't looked back!

By focusing my energy on the things I had and getting myself back to my positive state, things started to change.

Sunday Sunsets 

I receive a lot of emails from people asking for tips on how to feel motivated, inspired and how to do better for themselves.

One thing that I always say is - appreciate what you do have and stop focusing on what you don't have.

Don't compare yourself to other people - everyone has their own story behind them and everyone has their own path to follow.

If you think positive thoughts, you'll attract positive energy, positive people and positive opportunities to your life.

If you think negative thoughts or constantly feeling down or depressed - you'll only attract negative energy, negative people and negative opportunities to your life.

You need to focus on having your mindset in the right place and to focus on your goal, your ambition and your dream. No one else can do it for you.

You need to appreciate all the beauty in the world instead of focusing on materialistic things.

When I go for a walk on the beach, I don't just look the sea - I admire everything around and if you open your mind in a positive way, you'll be amazed at what can happen.

See Also

fashion blogger-greece

Sunday Sunset

Life isn't perfect - if it was, it wouldn't be much fun as we wouldn't learn from any experiences and we wouldn't grow as people.

The more we experience, the more people we meet and all of this allows us to become better people and grow.

We learn every single day and everything that happens, good or bad, is a test. A test to see how you focus your energy and mindset.

I'm not saying it's easy to stay positive and happy all the time but you can change your situation into something better.

Focus only on the positives - don't focus on the negatives.

Focus on your path and your dreams - don't compare yourself to others.

Appreciate everything in your life - appreciate your family, friends, health and everything that you do have.

Life is far too short to not appreciate the little things in life as they matter the most.

View Comments (14)
    • Thank you very much – it’s good to see that you got rid of negative people and feel so much better now! 🙂 xx

  • What a beautiful post; I’m so pleased to hear you managed to break out of the routine that was making you unhappy at the end of last year 🙂 Loving your points about positive and negative energy, and how it’s all connected to our thoughts – couldn’t agree more!!

    • Ah thank you so much hun, really happy you like this post and yes – it’s all about being positive and focusing on things we want to achieve! 🙂 xxx

  • This post really did pick up my mood and make me feel happier 🙂

    I’ve been focusing more on the positive and I think what’s funny is that I find once I start thinking more positive, I attract more positive experiences and opportunities (as you said) and then it’s like once those things start happening, it’s so much easier to stay in that mindset!

    Julia // The Sunday Mode

    • Ah thank you so much – glad you like this post and it’s really nice to see how people react to different posts too. Hope you’re well and can’t wait to see more from you! xxx

  • Hello dear Layla!
    Thank you for posting these beautiful words, they are so true!
    I really think that one of the most important things in life is, not to compare yourself with others because there will always be somebody who is more successful, who is prettier, who has a better job, etc. and you can’t also please everyone.
    Thank you for sharing this, you look really lovely on the photos too with the beautiful sunset!
    Have a good week! Lot of greetings, Eva

    • Awww thank you so much, glad you like this post and it’s always lovely to hear back from people too so it means a lot that you like this post too.
      Exactly.- we are all beautiful and unique in our own way so it’s essential that we look only at ourselves and focus on what we do rather than what other people are doing! 🙂 xxx

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