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Make Weekends Work For YOU

Make Weekends Work For YOU



Make Weekends Work For You – Good Morning everyone! I’ve been awake since half 5 this morning –  nice and early today, currently sipping on a cup of coffee and hoping that this will help a few of you in some way!

A lot of people question how I manage to keep everything ‘under control’ – I now write two blogs (more on that soon) so I have to make sure posts are written on time, emails get replied to, photos get taken and edited (if needed), products get reviewed and tested plus being able to do what I want in my spare time.

It may seem like I don’t have the time but it’s not the case, it’s down to being as organised as I can, being ahead of schedule but I use EVERY single day to my advantage!

So in this post, I’m writing and sharing my advice on how to make weekends work for YOU and how you can benefit from it in your work life and personal life too….

Make Weekends Work For You – Early Starts

OK, so this might not be what you want to read and I’ll admit – it’s nice to be snuggled in bed, especially when it’s raining outside but believe me…… early starts are key!

You’ll get so much done early in the morning that you’ll actually have more time left for yourself, weird – yes, but it works!

If you’re a blogger, like me, then use early starts to either write-up a few posts in advance or go through that bundle of emails….

Make Weekends Work For You – Plan

Planning is key – especially if you write a blog or work from home.

Without a plan to go by, you’ll end up getting stressed and not enjoying what you’re working on – this isn’t what you want!

Even if it’s as simple as writing down a brief schedule in your notebook – that’s still planning! You can work your way from little notes to make sure things are going the way you want them to and in-time too!

Make Weekends Work For You – Stay In

If you’re someone who goes out every Friday and Saturday, then complains about not feeling good or not getting things done on time – stop!

Once in a while, it’s good to stay in and relax. You don’t need to go out every weekend to release the ‘stress’ from daily-life.

Staying home and having a pamper evening can do so much more for you – plus you’ll be able to think clearly when you’re ready to work….

See Also

Make Weekends Work For You – Enjoy Yourself

Now, if you’re someone who stays in most nights – go and enjoy yourself once in a while! Haha!

You need to find a balance between your work and personal life, if you’re not the partying type of person then just invite some close friends over for lovely food and gossip!

Again, you’ll feel end up feeling so much better, so refreshed and your mind will be clear to work on things efficiently!

So, there we have some of my tips on how to make weekends work for you YOU – it’s all about finding the balance between your work and personal life plus with a little bit of planning, you can get SO much more done!

Let me know if you have any tips that help you – especially during the weekend!


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