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Blog Tips: How To Increase Your Pageviews

Blog Tips: How To Increase Your Pageviews



Blog Tips: How To Increase Your Pageviews – Hey everyone! I hope you’re all well and having a great start to the week so far….

I know a lot of you are loving these “Blog Tips” posts so I thought it would be good to write about how to increase your page views as it’s something that a lot of you want to know about.

Some tips you’ll have probably read about before however there’s a reason as to why things prove popular and actually work…..

Blog Tips: How To Increase Your Pageviews – Blog Titles

Yes – your blog titles really do matter!

Create titles that will attract your readers attention and more-often-than-not this will get people to ‘click’ through and read your post – which is what you want.

Sometimes a ‘catchy’ title also means descriptive – look at this title for example, it’s to the point, you know what the post is going to be about and I know that people will read this post as it’s a catchy title.

Blog Tips: How To Increase Your Pageviews – Pictures

Apart from your blog titles, you have to think about capturing with your images and pictures – I’ve said it time and time again in a number of posts but it’s all about first-impressions.

I always think about what I look at when browsing through blogs and I work on that – if it’s not the title, it’ll be the image.

When it comes to beauty – I find flat-lay and bold colours works well, it looks neat, pretty and it’s something that’s extremely popular at the moment too! 🙂

Fashion is all about being unique so switch things up –  from your looks to your locations, contrasting pops of colour to black-and-white….it’s about having fun and experimenting with what works for you and your readers.

Blog Tips: How To Increase Your Pageviews – Share

There’s a number of ways to increase your page views and one of the easiest ways is by sharing your posts across social media channels.

You’ll be surprised at how powerful social media can be – 1 retweet could take your post to 5k followers or by sharing on Facebook, that one friend could share your post to another 1000 friends…’s all about building up your blog and making a name for yourself.

Follow my social media pages below to see what I mean!

See Also




Blog Tips: How To Increase Your Pageviews – Patience

One thing that I always say to people is that blogging isn’t easy and it’s not an overnight success story – there’s so much time and effort that you have to put in to making your blog the best it can be.

So patience (and determination) is key with blogging – if you’re in it to ‘just make money‘ then stop….NOW!

If you’re actually passionate about your blog, happy to work long-hours and patient then go for it – the results are very rewarding and I wouldn’t change this for anything! 🙂


Image – Tumblr 
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