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How To Feel Positive

How To Feel Positive



How To Feel Positive – OK, so I know that I’m writing a lot more “motivational” and “feel-good” posts on here but I’ve been receiving a lot of emails from readers letting me know how ‘happy’ and ‘positive’ they feel after reading my posts.

When I started writing my “Motivation Monday” posts, I never knew that they would be so popular but the fact that people feel better about themselves because of something I’ve written makes me feel incredible and if I can continue to share this with more people – it makes late-nights worthwhile! 🙂

How To Feel Positive – Always Look On The Bright Side

And by bright side, I mean positive side – You should always try and see the positives in everything that happens as there’s always someone in a worse position than you.

Positive energy and thoughts will attract positive into your life, negative energy and thoughts will attract negative into your life – sometimes it’s easier said than done but always try and see the best in things.

We all go through ups and downs but we mustn’t allow ourselves to fall into the ‘negative‘ zone – that’s when things go from bad to worse….

How To Feel Positive – Be Grateful

Again, this is similar to always looking on the bright side but we mustn’t forget how lucky we all are!

If we have health then everything else is a bonus – without health, we can’t do much – we can’t work, we can’t provide, we can’t travel so be grateful for everything that you have no matter how big or how small something may be.

Do you want a bigger house? Be grateful with what you have – someone else is living on the streets!

If you’re grateful and positive about what you already have then better things will come to you! 🙂

How To Feel Positive – Follow Your Dreams

I’ve said it in many posts before and one of the best ways on how to feel positive is by following your dreams.

Many people put their dreams aside and settle for stability which might be good but you’ll never allow yourself to be fulfil your dreams and be truly happy & positive.

By following your dreams you’ll feel a sense of happiness, you’ll feel fresh and uplifted everyday and above all, you’ll feel positive – it’s a big circle but when you do something that you love, nothing can take that feeling away from you!

See Also

So, if you want to travel to a certain place, do it!

If you want to change career, do it!

If you want to make a change for yourself – do it!

I always say life is too short so enjoy every minute, be grateful for what you have and do what you love!

Look at me – if I didn’t follow my dreams then I wouldn’t be sat here typing posts like this and if one person feels better or feels motivated to do what they love – it’s all worth it! 🙂


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